Rejuvenation? Or Last Hurrah? - CycleBlaze

Rejuvenation? Or Last Hurrah?

Which it may be remains to be seen, "presently"

By Keith Adams
1,175 miles (1,891 km) over 32 days between Jul. 2, 2022 and Aug. 2, 2022


With thanks heart 6
What will you do when you retire? heart 11
Summer and Autumn, 2021 heart 9
Angst about burnout heart 11
Advice from someone who's done it heart 6
Route planning heart 11
GO time is drawing nearer heart 6

The Tour Itself

A perfect day in Portland heart 5
Getting everything back together heart 14
Out of the cocoon of family heart 9
0702 - Hitting the road heart 15
0703 - Harder than I thought it would be heart 46
0704 - Whee! Whoops. heart 49
0705 - Plodding heart 19
0706 - Not just whistling "Dixie" heart 24
0707 - Along the Powder River heart 27
0708 - Halfway heart 20
0709 - The people you meet heart 14
To Boise or not to Boise heart 5
0710 - A prayer to the bicycle gods heart 13
0711 - 0712 Waiting... heart 9
0712 - End of the wait heart 17
0713 - On the road again heart 23
0714 - Westbounders galore heart 36
0715 - Cruising the Salmon River Canyon heart 26
0716 - Making the grade heart 28
0717 - Into the Wilderness heart 29
0718 - More of the same heart 10
0719 - It had its ups and downs heart 23
0720 - A day off heart 32
0721 - The Blue Light Special has now ended heart 6
0721 - A fabulous day heart 50
0722 - The road to Wisdom is not always easy heart 24
0723 - An ordinary day as a bicycle hobo heart 34
0724 - Road angel reprise heart 39
0725 - Scenes from U.S. 287 heart 36
0726 - Day off heart 10
0727 - Playing tourist in Yellowstone heart 34
0728 - West Yellowstone Walkabout heart 16
0728 - 0730 Hiatus heart 5
0731 - "That ball wouldn't have been out of most parks." heart 18
0801 - Leaving Yellowstone heart 41
0802 - A bit of this and that heart 36
0803 - End of the road heart 21
0805 - Epilogue heart 72
By the numbers heart 3
Postscript: The final indignity heart 5
Second postscript: Green Gear / Bike Friday response heart 3

Preparatory rides

Notes from a local ride heart 5
A quick note heart 2
Ageism heart 5
Holiday card delivery heart 3
Born under a lucky star heart 5
And that's a wrap heart 6
A story that doesn't need to be told heart 4
A short loop around town heart 3
Just another local ride heart 3
I heard voices today heart 2
There's work to be done heart 3
What a great day to ride heart 2
Unnerving, or at least unsettling heart 2
A shortened ride heart 2
My best ride so far heart 2
Spring is almost here heart 4
Humming along nicely heart 1
I rode a marathon today... heart 4
Pride is a dangerous thing heart 5
Off to Florida heart 3
Two days, one night heart 21
Post-maintenance check ride heart 3
Simple and sweet heart 6
From Teddy's toward George's heart 1
Last big training push... heart 2
Tooling around heart 2

Spinning - occupying my mind while my legs, lungs, and heart are otherwise engaged

Spin delirium heart 5
Spinning haiku heart 1
If I were an engine heart 5
Zen heart 2

Appendices and Miscellaney

Projected itinerary heart 3
Technicality heart 3
Gear list heart 10
Packing the kitchen sink (and everything else) heart 2
The most sought-after real estate on my bike heart 5
The hazards of (over)planning - AMENDED heart 2
Charge it! heart 5
The best money I've spent in a while heart 2
This may get ugly heart 5
Pre-departure testing checklist heart 3
My home away from home heart 7
Daily mileage chart - a How-to heart 1
Showing the drivetrain some love heart 4