Hunting down Ancient Tractors between Dusseldorf and Warsaw - CycleBlaze

Hunting down Ancient Tractors between Dusseldorf and Warsaw

A meander through Germany, Austria, The Czech Republic and Poland

By Tricia Graham
2,965 km (1,841 miles) over 66 days between Aug. 4, 2014 and Oct. 8, 2014
The Stars are all Starting to Line up heart 2
Our route heart 2
Gear heart 2
Some great news and only three more sleeps heart 1
Lift Off heart 1
Brisbane heart 2
To Dusseldorf heart 2
Dusseldorf to Cologne heart 1
Cologne to Remagen: A relaxing day heart 1
From Remagen to Boppard: Another perfect day heart 1
From Boppard to Rudesheim: Castles, castles and more castles plus heat and head wind heart 0
We leave the Rhine and start travelling along the Main: Tail winds make for easy travel heart 0
Florsheim to Seligenstadt: Passing through Frankfurt heart 0
To Miltenberg heart 0
Miltenberg to Lohr: A lovely meeting on the road heart 0
To Wurzburg: Our last day on the Main heart 0
The start of the Romantic Way we reach Bad Mergentheim: Unaccustomed hills heart 0
To Rothenburg heart 0
From Rothenburg to Dinkelsbuhl heart 0
To Nordlingen: Only 39km but a hard ride heart 0
Through Donauworth and n to Ausburg: Rather too far for me heart 0
From Ausberg to Landsberg am Lech heart 0
To Schongau heart 0
To Reutee: 1000km across Germany and into Austria heart 0
Over the Fernpass heart 2
Along the Inn to Zirl (10km from Innsbruck): The best coffee stop ever heart 0
Down the Inn to Rattenberg heart 0
We start the Mozart Radweg: Up into the high meadows heart 0
Through the mountains in the rain to Lofer heart 0
To Salzburg: Is this the Monsoon? heart 0
To Waging am See: Sunshine! heart 0
Amerang: A lovely day once more in the sunshine heart 0
Muldorf: An exciting day on the tractor front! heart 0
To Braunau am Inn heart 0
Passau: Will we make it this time? heart 0
Passau: THE ORGAN CONCERT heart 0
To Ottenshein - 9km before Linz: A really easy day heart 0
To Grien heart 0
Spitz heart 0
To Tulln: A wander through the Wachau we have done over 2000 km heart 0
Stockerau: getting ready for the next part of the trip heart 0
Novosedley (Cz): I bet you cant even find it on a map heart 0
Brno heart 1
A day off in Brno: We remain dirty heart 1
Still in Brno: Ken has a cold heart 0
To Petronovice: a day with difficulties heart 0
Olomouc: Hills and floods heart 2
Hranice heart 0
Koprivnice heart 0
Frydek Mistek: The Tatra Museaum - I think Ken likes Tatras heart 0
Ciezsyn: Poland our last country heart 0
Oswiencm (Auschwitz): 78km to Oswiencm and the rest riding around unloaded heart 0
Rudno: A day of two halves heart 0
Krakow: We made it to this beautiful city heart 0
A day in Krakow heart 0
Another day in Krakow heart 0
To Pilica: The start of the last stage of our journey heart 0
To Zawada: One of the best days ever heart 0
To Prezedborz: Back in another century heart 0
To Smardzewice heart 0
Spala heart 0
Around Spala: A very interesting day heart 0
By train to Warsaw: Drama at the stations heart 0
Warsaw: A proud city heart 0
Around Warsaw heart 0
Being a tourist in Warsaw: This is more exhausting than cycling heart 0
The ride to the airport heart 0
Cycling in the Czech Republic and Poland heart 0
Home heart 0