The Long Journey East - CycleBlaze

The Long Journey East

By Ollie Spalton
11,920 km (7,402 miles) over 748 days since Jul. 11, 2022


A Kyrgyz Music Festival, Thunderstorms and a lot of Hitch-biking heart 85
Treacherous hiking, hot fermented horse milk and a Kyrgyz Road trip heart 74


The Pamir Highway Pt 3. The Bartang Valley heart 50
The Pamir Highway Pt.2 The Wakhan Corridor and Murghob heart 42
The Pamir Highway Pt 1. Gazing into Afghanistan and Questionable Camping heart 26
Apricot Valley, Deadly tunnels and The Fann mountains heart 100


The Road to Zaamin, Tashkent and Ugam-Chatkal National park heart 58
Nurata Mountains heart 45
Nukus, Khiva and Bukhara heart 116


Mangystau heart 174


More Adventures in Georgia and Armenia heart 77
Batumi to Tbilisi + Side Adventures in the Mountains heart 95


Sivas to the Border heart 135
Kayseri to Sivas heart 29
Cappadocia heart 62
Olympus, Antalya and Konya heart 58
Bodrum to Kaş heart 78


Kalymnos heart 35
Kos, Tilos and Nisyros heart 75
Ioannina heart 46

Macedonia Kosovo and Albania

Albania (+Macedonia again) heart 50
Kosovo heart 38
Macedonia heart 14


Bulgaria heart 21


The Transfăgărășan and Craiova heart 40
The Apuseni Mountains heart 61
Maramures and Cluj Napoca heart 29

Slovakia + Hungary

To Košice and Hungary heart 46
Zilina to the High Tatras heart 67


Moravia heart 78
The Beautiful Bohemia + New Friends! heart 77

Germany + Austria

Bavaria heart 33
A Wander into the Alps heart 93
Bring on the Hills! heart 84
New Connections in Colmar + Entering Germany with Pascal heart 74

France, Belgium and Luxembourg

Exploring Strasbourg heart 56
Arriving into Alsace + Staying with Nicolas heart 54
A Jazzy day in Luxembourg city heart 36
Charleville Mezieres heart 40
Learning (and Failing) French heart 38
Au Revoir England heart 29


Introduction heart 31