France on a roll -- depending on charm - CycleBlaze

France on a roll -- depending on charm

Riding through France on 50 words or less

By Karen Cook
1,769 km (1,099 miles) over 37 days between Jun. 11, 2011 and Jul. 17, 2011
Charm? heart 3
France? What? When did this all come about? heart 5
Learning French heart 5
Negative Adjectives heart 6
The end of the beginning: Tomorrow I'm off! heart 4

It begins

Jour Un: Dirty Shirts heart 6
Jour Deux heart 4
Jour Trois: The Girl Friday goes Royal heart 17
Jour Quatre: A day to forget heart 5
Jour Cinq: Oui Oui, France! heart 10
Jour six: the REAL French experience heart 8
Jour Sept: New friends heart 10
Jour Nuit: (I mean Huit, because Nuit means night! ;-) heart 6
Jour Neuf: More rain? Geech! heart 8
Jour Dix: Improvising heart 7
D-Day: Sites and impressions heart 4
Jour Onze heart 6
Jour Douze heart 8
Jour Trieze heart 8
Jour quatorze: SEEEEE ya, Normandy heart 8
Jour Quinze heart 24
Jour Seize heart 7
Jour Dix-sept and Dix-huit: Two, two, two days in entry that is. heart 2
Jour Dix-sept and Dix-huit pictures: Better late than never! heart 2
Jour Dix-neuf: Better late than never, and I mean REALLY late this time! heart 7
Jour Vingt: BUSTED!! heart 5
Jour Vingt et un: Hey, mom, I went to church today! heart 3
Jour Vingt deux heart 1
Jour Vingt trois: Day of Days! heart 3
Jour Vingt Quatre heart 4
Things for small minds to ponder: Jar engineering heart 2
Jour Vingt et cinq: Not so dramatic ending heart 2
Jour Vingt et six: Brittany bound heart 2
Jour Vingt et sept heart 3
My suffering... heart 2
Jour Vingt et Huit: A Tale Of Two Wheels heart 9
Jour Vingt et neuf heart 6
Jour Trent heart 7
Jour Trent et Un heart 2
Mont St-Michel day pictures 1 heart 9
Mont St-Michel day pictures 2 heart 4
Mont St-Michel night pictures heart 19
Jour Trent et duex heart 5
Jour something or other: ...what does it matter what number day it is? It's my last day in France! SOO sad! heart 10
Jour Trent et trois heart 4
Trent et Quatre: A bit jet lagged heart 3


A few extra pictures: just because heart 14
Final thoughts and ramblings heart 7