America's Most Naive Bike Tourist Rides From MN to MA - CycleBlaze

America's Most Naive Bike Tourist Rides From MN to MA

A Quest for Fun

By Gregory Garceau
1,746 miles (2,810 km) over 41 days between Jun. 1, 2014 and Jul. 11, 2014
I Can't Very Well Start This Thing Without An Introduction, Can I? heart 9
Not A Google Map, A Goofy Map heart 5
GEAR: Not Your Standard Equipment List heart 9
Some Random Thoughts From An Aimless Mind (Awaiting Departure Day): Part One heart 5
S.R.T.F.A.A.M. (A.D.D.): Part Two heart 1
Hok Si La Campground--Heaven's Bowling Alley heart 5
DEET + Eyes = Temporary Blindness heart 4
Crotchety Jake, The Bossman Of Wildcat Landing heart 5
Shuffleboard Anyone? heart 2
To Rod Serling, I Apologize heart 2
A "10" heart 2
A Tale of Two Towns heart 5
Robots Walk Among Us heart 4
A Few Hours On The Hennepin Canal heart 3
A Short Essay On Today's Headwind heart 2
My First Attempt At Being A Food Critic heart 0
Village or City? heart 1
Of Dogs and Other Wild Animals heart 1
Indiana Finds A Way Into My Heart heart 2
Where I Did Not Find What I Was Looking For heart 1
Where I Found Them heart 3
Noodlers Are Fishermen Too heart 0
Woodstock Flashback heart 1
Be Prepared For Weirdness heart 1
The Infamous Cuyahoga River heart 3
"Without music, life would be a mistake." -Friedrich Nietzsche heart 6
LUCKY! heart 2
A Wine Tasting And Professional Review heart 2
Grapes Are King! heart 3
Weather Report Skepticism heart 1
A Day In Canada heart 3
Customs Agents Make Me Nervous heart 7
The (E)erie Canal heart 1
I Must Be Guffman heart 2
The City That Forgot Lou Reed heart 0
Heat Warning? Say What? heart 2
Goofball On The Freeway heart 0
The Baseball Hall of Fame heart 5
Since When Do I Follow Local Advice? heart 2
My Last State. Or IS It? heart 2
One More State heart 1
The Sermon In The Tent heart 4
The End Is Near heart 2
Thoreau, Harvard, M.I.T. and ME heart 2
Is This One Of America's Most Historic Cities Or What? heart 8
I Can't Very Well End This Thing Without A Conclusion, Can I? heart 4