Medina to Thayer Hill - Low Bridge - CycleBlaze

June 16, 2022

Medina to Thayer Hill

"93F feels like 100F" (33 - 38C)

#5 I've broken/lost one of these Cateye mirrors on every tour they've been on Why did I expect a different outcome on the Erie Canal. This time my ultra wide gravel drop bars clipped a canal trail gate. Back to my glasses mounted mirror.
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Mike AylingYes, glasses/helmet mount transfers from bike to bike!
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2 years ago

Hot and humid, the afternoon became stifling at 97F.  The saving grace(s) were a dead flat canal path with a few minor exceptions and breeze come wind from the side to tail.

Fairport/Thayer Hill accommodations: Budget Inn was resoundingly give 1 star by all now five riders. A mouse ran out of the rollaway bed brought in for Walton to sleep on. The carpets were worn and paint was flaking off the walls. A group of electrical workers staying there were drinking beer and peeing in the bushes on the front lawn. Even the always reliable Thai takeout Po and Jen ordered for us was 2 stars at best.  MJ picked this hotel to get us closer of Seneca Falls, which is off the main canal by a good distance.

Today's ride: 105 km (65 miles)
Total: 221 km (137 miles)

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