I thought I'd replied yesterday but must have forgot to click "send," : - )! Bob, your diagnosis was spot on! I changed my profile page privacy setting as you recommended and that allowed an "iframe" imbed code to be produced. Man, talk about the devil in the details! Please feel free to bill me your usual tech support fee.
Great to hear! And I'm assuming, although I haven't verified this, you could set your profile privacy settings back once you have the embed code generated, if that's your preferred setting.
As to the tech support fee, I'll say the usual "buy me a beer" if we ever have a chance to meet in person! :-)
That would be great Bob. Thanks again for the help. I've yet to hear back from Strava, even though I'm a "premium" member : - )
I know nothing about coding, but how about a work-around temporary solution. You could import your gpx-file to Ridewithgps and get the imbed code there.
Thank you everyone for troubleshooting this issue so that I didn't have to :)
I'll work on getting a fix pushed out.
A few moments ago, I tried (with Strava) what you suggested above and it worked. Thanks.
Bob, thanks so much for this solution. I've been trying to solve this embedding problem for months. But after reading your post just now, I checked my Strava profile privacy setting - to find it was set to friends not everyone. I can embed Strava maps again!
It definitely looks like Strava has changed the way the "embed code" works. In the past, it was an iframe. Now it's the div with javascript that you mentioned.
I just tried adding a recent ride I did to a test page I have on Cycleblaze, and the Strava embed doesn't work. I get an alert message: "CycleBlaze only supports embedded maps from RideWithGPS or Strava".
So Jeff A. will probably need to change the Cycleblaze code to allow for the change that Strava has apparently made.
Jeff Lee
2 years ago