Suzanne Gibson - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Suzanne Gibson


Title Ratings
A Cycleblazer Moselle Quartett 626
Spring in Iberia 2058
Some like it hot: two nights in a monastery 373
The Grand Tour - 2023 2827
A Bit of Bavaria and Bohemia 548
Cycleblazing in the Black Forest 767
France again - this time Alsace 991
Bavarian Forest Tour 325
Burgundy Buzz 1541
So long, Covid! 285
Autumn in Allgäu 215
Austria Again 278
Dipping into Tyrol 239
Wertheim and Beyond 353
We Got As Far As Wertheim 397
Bavarian Getaways 270
Out and About in Bavaria - 2020 247
Riding the Inn in Austria 248
More Pedaling in Bavaria 87
Pedaling and Shooting in Bavaria 2019 78
An Overnighter in February 2019 27
Alpe-Adria Tour 2018 596
Romantic Road Part II 264
Riding the Romantic Road 184
Off on an Impulse 206
A Flanders Fling 558
Amsterdam and then ... 288
Cycle Tour in the Po Valley 197
From Bavaria to the Baltic Sea and Back 735
Riding the Reschen Pass to Italy 116
Brittany - Loire Valley - Burgundy 246
Spring Tour in Bavaria 2010 - Part 3 36
Spring Tour in Bavaria 2010 - Part 2 62
Spring Tour in Bavaria 2010 - Part 1 51
Cycling in Thailand North to South 113
To France the Long Way 282
Touring Tuscany 71
Spring Tour in Bavaria 2009 40
France Again - Cycling in Burgundy 123
From Munich to Paris 231
Touring in Thailand, Cambodia and China 206
France: Between the Mediterranean and the Pyrenees 149
From Munich to the Mediterranean and More 264
Early spring in southern Italy 171


November 2021

I was born in New Jersey, USA, and came to Germany at the tender age of  21 ... and am still here. I got a late start into cycling. At the age of 41 and with my youngest son, I went on my first bicycle trip. We cycled the hills of Umbria with a tent and little clue about bicycle touring, but it was love at first sight. That was a long time ago and there have been many turns of the wheel since then. My husband, Janos, and I have toured together in most of Europe and some of Southeast Asia and China.

I have a website with, among other things, accounts of my earlier rides, starting in 1981. You can find it here: Suzanne's Cycling Site

That trike looks a bit too big for me, but I was determined.
My first tour, with Daniel, 1981
Excited to be cycling in the Dolomites, 1985
Touring in southwest France with a group of friends, 1986, and not wearing a helmet yet.
Fast forward - when not touring, we do lots of short rides near home, sometimes in the rain, but preferably not, 2020
We travel slow and I stop for lots of pictures of cows, 2020
With my husband and best bicycling buddy, 2021
Janos and me in Burgundy, 2022 (photo courtesy of Scott Anderson)
Spain 2024 - photo courtesy of Susan Carpenter
Stormy weather 2024