A Gallery of Flowers - Unchained Melody - CycleBlaze

January 26, 2024

A Gallery of Flowers

Some Flowers We've Seen So Far

Gallery of Flowers

We interrupt this journal to bring you some of the flowers we've seen on our trip so far.  Since the storm is still raging here at our favorite seafront bungalow and the power is going in and out, the wifi sucks and is only available over at the dining area and even our Thai data plans are not working, we can go over to the dining area and attempt to upload flowers.  Some of these you have already seen but we thought it would be fun to put a bunch of them together in one post.

The flower section of the central market - Phnom Penh.
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Bill ShaneyfeltSpider lily

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe Ixora? Jungle flame

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe Jungle flame again...
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5 months ago
Crown of thorns
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Bill ShaneyfeltSome kind of Impatiens... Maybe garden balsam?

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5 months ago
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Andrea BrownThis is gomphrena. We see the seeds for this in farm supply stores.
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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltCanna lilies

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltSquare stems and opposite leaves tells me maybe mint family?

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5 months ago
Andrea BrownTo Bill ShaneyfeltYeppers. Definitely one of the lames. Torenia fournieri
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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltOrchid trees. I have looked these up a few times!

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5 months ago
The classic color for frangipani but they come in a lot of colors.
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Bill ShaneyfeltWater lilies...

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe pink kopsia?

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5 months ago
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This had fallen onto the road from a tree.
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Bill ShaneyfeltLooks like eucalyptus...
Pinch & sniff?
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5 months ago
Tithonia Rotundifolia - Mexican Sunflower
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Giant milkweed
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Desert rose
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Bill ShaneyfeltSure looks awful! Took lots of digging around, but looks like Ravan's Mustache.

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltMatches well with blue pea flower.

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5 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltHateful!

I know them as goatheads

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5 months ago
Mother of millions
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I think Bill identified this as Tecoma stans.
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But is this a variant of Tecoma stans I wonder?
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Bill ShaneyfeltOleander. Just don't eat them. Quite toxic. They grow everywhere in Southern CA where I grew up.

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5 months ago
Bruce LellmanTo Bill ShaneyfeltI went to high school in Daytona Beach and during that time a family came down from the north to vacation and they made a little fire on the beach and roasted wieners on sticks - freshly cut oleander sticks. They all died!!
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5 months ago
Allamanda cathartica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allamanda_cathartica
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Ron SuchanekLooks like a Coccyx Mandibular to me. I'd have to see the underside to be sure.
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5 months ago
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This is from the small tree - previous image.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesWhat a beautiful bouquet/page.
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5 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltWow! Nice photos! I ran outta time digging for IDs
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5 months ago
Bruce LellmanTo Bill ShaneyfeltThank you, Bill. We knew we could count on you. There sure are a lot of beautiful flowers in SE Asia.
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5 months ago
Rachael AndersonWhat an amazing collection of flowers!
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5 months ago
Ron SuchanekSomehow I made it to the bottom comments section without saying "Weeping Chlamydia"
I'd say that's progress.
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5 months ago
Bruce LellmanTo Ron SuchanekMinimal
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5 months ago