K2 Trek Day 5 Paiyu (3450m) to Kurbutse (3930m) - Racpat Morocco to Holland 2023 - CycleBlaze

K2 Trek Day 5 Paiyu (3450m) to Kurbutse (3930m)

Onto the Baltoro Glacier

09 September 2023

Today we start trekking on the Baltoro Glacier making for a tough day over rocky moraines. We have views of Baltoro pinnacles and Paiyu Peak. We cross streams, see the Trango Towers and Cathedral Group. 

It is a hot and strenuous day.

Piayu Peak
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More of Piayu Peak
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Hussain, the assistant cook and our only porter.
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The Braldu River emerges from the end of the glacier
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Baltoro Glacier and Trango mountains
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Climbing onto the Glacier, lots of ups and downs. The guides drag Rachel up the trail.
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Top of the Great Trango
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The Glacier is covered in a layer of rock. Since the glacier moves there are constant rumblings of rocks tumbling down.
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Muhammad guides us from cairn to cairn across the glacier.
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The Trango Group: from left to right the Trango Tower, Great Trango and Trango Castle.
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Trango Tower and Great Trango
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Headed towards the Baltoro Glacier. The Trango group is in front of us.
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Nahid and Muhamad are our guides
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Hard work hiking on the Glacier. The rocks are all round it seems like and move under your feet.
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Our mules are catching up. After we leave camp they hustle to pack up the tents and gear, then hurry to pass us halfway so they can be set-up when we arrive. We don't know how they do it!
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Our mules catching up.
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Haider, our cook in the middle with Nisar and Qusoon the mule wranglers
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Cairns lead us across the glacier, but there are many sketchy sections where our guides have to scout the right route.
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Hiking on the glacier is hard work. Nothing is flat and all rocks can move. There are many ups and downs, and river crossings.
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Trango Castle with The Great Trango behind it on the left
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Bill ShaneyfeltAmazing it can survive, let alone thrive enough to bloom!
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8 months ago
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In some sections a river of melt water flows over the glacier before disappearing back under the ice.
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We have crossed the glacier and are now on the side moraine.
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Trango Tower and Cathedral group.
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Biaho Tower and Biaho Glacier
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A shaky bridge near the Kurbutse campsite.
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The mess tent is already up and tea, cookies and chapaties ready.
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Kurbutse campsite
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Evening view towards Biaho Tower.
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Sun setting behind the Paiyu group
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Our mess tent illuminated after sunset.
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