Xenia to Columbus Ohio - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 26, 2022

Xenia to Columbus Ohio

Three pages; 36 cues. City entrance

This was a weird day. It started out great. We had a 40 mile ride on the Prairie Grass and Camp Chase Trails through woods and fields. It was a showery morning but we didn't really get wet yet. It started raining harder and thunder storms coming up in the afternoon so at the lunch stop (45 into a 64 mile day) we bailed. We all rode into Columbus in the van in the rain. Emptied the van of luggage and a few bikes and Ken went back to the lunch stop to get Nancy and the remaining bikes. We had a quiet afternoon but some major rain storms showed up and we were glad to be in the motel and dry.

Chuck and Dave ready to head out in the morning
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Honeysuckle to our right, honeysuckle on the ground ahead, and storm clouds in the sky. Showers on and off!
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People We Meet: This is Phil. He is on a three day ride around Ohio with his buddy Mike. They love biking but are not thrilled with the storms to come. Mikes wife is driving a support vehicle. We did not see them later and wonder if maybe she picked them up. Nice guy!
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Now for the beginning of the end of this section. John had had a cough that was getting worse for about three or four days and now was sounding stuffy so we decided to test for Covid. He was positive; I was negative. That night the cough seemed worse, John was quarantining in the motel room, and we weren't sure what it all meant - for us and for the others in the group. Soooo on Friday morning the 27th which was slated to be a day off bikes anyway, we decided to drive home to Vermont for two reasons: one if John got worse or I got it and had it bad we would at least be home where we knew the medical system and could get care; and two we would not be risking the others. A bike group is sort of like a school of fish. We do most everything together. Of course the outdoor riding was not risky but the rest of the time we hang pretty closely.  It was pretty easy: we rented an SUV and drove home.

Now the good part! May 30th. By about three days later, John's cough is way better, we BOTH tested negative, and we both feel great physically but are so  bummed!!!! We have decided to return to the trip. We will rent another SUV and join the gang in Pittsburg. on June 3. I can't wait!! So I will not journal until then but look forward to seeing you all on June 3!

Today's ride: 46 miles (74 km)
Total: 1,002 miles (1,613 km)

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Jim ConboyMy last comment was made before the rains you encountered and before you and John went back to Vermont. Glad you are both ok and heading back to the group. Jim
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2 years ago