Day 34: Roebuck Plains roadhouse to Barn Hill Station - A happy ride around Australia (third attempt) - CycleBlaze

June 29, 2022

Day 34: Roebuck Plains roadhouse to Barn Hill Station

Start: 7:30 am
Distance: 108km
Ride time: 6:10 hours
Average: 17km/hr
Max: 28km/hr
Finish: 2:45 pm

I was a bit lazy getting up. My alarm went off at 5:15am and I fell asleep again.

I enjoyed a good breakfast at the roadhouse and bought a salad sandwich for the road.

Morning road pic.
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I had a good shoulder most of the day.

It felt great to be heading south to Perth.

For the first 20kms I was crossing the Roebuck Plains.
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The plains were difficult to cross. I had a terrible crosswind. I could only manage 12km/hr.

As the day wore on the road changed direction slightly and the wind wasn't as bad.

I saw this pretty flower.
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I think it's a grevillea. 

Today's tree pic is a flowering wattle.
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After 99kms, I reached the turn off for Barn Hill Station.

The road is 9kms long and it is very bad for cycling.
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It's corrugated sand. Horrible to ride through. Eventually I made it.

When I checked in, the man asked if I had just been for a swim. I was drenched in sweat and salt stains.

I bought a cold soft drink and some fruit then set up my tent.

This is the view from my tent.
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I walked down to the beach and had a swim. It was great.
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On the way I spotted a couple of nice flowers.

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Bill ShaneyfeltFound an image match! Mulla mulla.
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2 years ago
Annie O'SheaWow that's an amazing flower
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2 years ago
Vince McCarthyAnother perfect ID. Thank you for your effort Bill.
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2 years ago
Vince McCarthyYeh, it's amazing seeing a colour other than red dust.
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2 years ago

Bill later identified this as a mulla mulla. Thank you Bill.

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Yummy dinner.
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Today's ride: 108 km (67 miles)
Total: 1,814 km (1,126 miles)

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Scott DiamondCatching up on your blog. Met you at Salmon gums and I started reading your blog then and now working my way back). Can't believe how expensive some of these caravan parks are! Not as if you are in Sydney.
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1 year ago
Vince McCarthyG'day Scott. I'm following your blog too! Today's camp only cost me $12. There is absolutely no consistency with the price of camp sites in Australia.
Tailwinds to you and Brennie.
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1 year ago