Spoiler - Cycleblazing in the Black Forest - CycleBlaze

September 5, 2022


Unfortunately Janos's planned trip with his old school friend fell through at the last minute. So he was still around to help me on the day of my departure. I was sorry for his disappointment, although I did profit from it. 

He won't be sitting around at home while I am gone though. What he is up to, he will divulge himself. 

In Gauting, waiting for the city train to Munich's Central Station
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Only two other bikes and we didn't have to hang my bike from the ceiling.
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Jill GelineauHi women, I am so glad I saw your journal today about heading to the Black Forest. That whole business about what the train boarding will be like with a bike is nerve wracking; it’s just too bad it can’t be standardized so we know what we are getting into. Suzanne, since my husband and I are storing our bikes in Munich I was VERY interested in the departure from Munich, since I am guessing that next year we will want to train to France- or somewhere nearby — start our next trip. Keep,the details coming….they are very helpful.
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1 year ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Jill GelineauHi Jill, yes too bad the train systems in most countries, Germany no exception, isn't keeping up with the demand for bicycle transport. Not profitable enough I guess. I'll keep the details coming.
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1 year ago

I had intended to get a picture of Janos lifting my bike up the steps onto the train, but in the excitement of finally boarding  I forgot.

I am now safely on the train, the weather is perfect and I am eager to get on my bike.

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Nancy GrahamNothing like good help for the beginning of your trip! So much for all that worrying, but you had the plan down so well, Janos had no problem helping you. Safe travels.
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1 year ago
Rachael AndersonI’m glad you made it. Hopefully, Susan will be there to meet you!
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1 year ago
Charmaine RuppoltAlways a relief when things turn out ok!! :) I know we have a lot of anxiety about traveling and how to handle the logistics.
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1 year ago