Day 3: Sachsenkam to Gauting - Bavarian Getaways - CycleBlaze

June 3, 2021

Day 3: Sachsenkam to Gauting

We are on our way home, it was a short trip. Again a beautiful sunny day and some of the best stretches of countryside on our trip.

Our breakfast at Pension Neuwirt is good and is typical for most hotel breakfasts here. Too bad I didn't take a picture, I just don't remember often enough to chronicle our days and things that I take for granted are often overlooked. We had an assortment of rolls, some sliced cheese and cold cuts, a soft-to-hard boiled egg, jam and honey, a large thermos of coffee, everything in abundance. It was served at our table and we were welcome to make sandwiches to take with us if we couldn't eat it all. The hotel itself made the impression that it was just eking by, clean but rather spartan. No wonder after the long lockdown and no income.

Gasthof Pension Neuwirt - our room was on the ground floor to the right
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Again a sparkling day
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After about 10 km we reach Bad Tölz (or correctly written as Bad Toelz if you don't have ö, ä or ü on your keyboard), a town with a population of around 19,000. Today is a holiday, Frohleichnam or Feast of Corpus Christi, which is celebrated in all Catholic regions of Germany. When we reach Bad Tölz we see we are too late for the holiday procession and just catch a glimpse of the participants on their way home in their Bavarian best. I am a bit shy about taking snapshots of people in the street and just have a few, mainly of their backs. If we had been there for the procession it would have been a different matter. Regional dress such as dirndl and lederhosen is still very popular out in the country and there are numerous clubs and organizations for the purpose of keeping traditional styles alive.

The main square of Bad Tölz
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Two women in their Tölzer dirndls, photo bombed by my bike
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The men's outfits are just as elaborate as those of the women
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Scott AndersonPaired perfectly with his cell phone.
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3 years ago

We continue on with a climb out of the Isar valley to my favorite landscape of the tour. I hardly take any pictures, maybe because it isn't the sensational postcard kind of scenery but just the kind of harmonious views that make you feel all is well.

We pass through Königsdorf.
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We see a field of white goats.
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All was not well when we came to a very steep gradient after crossing the Loisach at Eurasburg. I had to get off and had a hard time pushing the loaded bike to the top.

The last photos I took were at our peaceful picnic spot at the pond in Degerndorf. We were now approaching Lake Starnberg and on familiar territory. My camera stayed in its bag for the rest of the journey.

A bench in the shade to enjoy our sandwiches
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Our view
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We were very pleased with our three-day ride and planned another short trip for the next week. The journal is in the making so stay tuned.

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Today's ride: 63 km (39 miles)
Total: 163 km (101 miles)

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Emily SharpThis looked like such a pleasant short trip. Day 2 looked postcard perfect. I was going to ask how your bike was performing for you, after the issues you had at the beginning. Unfortunately, your text has given me a bit of an answer! I hope a bike shop can help you out - pushing a loaded bike is never fun, a loaded e-bike would be even worse!! Good luck finding a good resolution for those issues. Looking forward to the next trip!
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Emily SharpThe bike shop hasn't been able to help. I have found a solution, though. I have been keeping a low profile on this since it was a rather extravagant solution which I am a bit embarrassed about. But the "solution" is super and I don't regret a single cent. You'll see it in the next post.
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3 years ago