The Second Tour: Day 2 - Bavarian Getaways - CycleBlaze

June 13, 2021

The Second Tour: Day 2

We wake to a sunny Sunday. Our chosen route takes us first to Eibenwald, a protected yew forest with some very ancient trees. We have been there before and just stop by for a quick look.

Janos in good spirits, getting his bike set up for the day
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Countryside with chapels and farms
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Luxuriant gardens on the wayside
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We stop by the yew tree forest
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The paths aren't meant for cyclists so we only wander a short distance.
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Our next and last monastery is at Wessobrunn. According to the legend, it was again Tassilo III of Bavaria, who, prompted by a dream, founded the monastery,

The legend: “In the year 753 Tassilo is out hunting with companions Wezzo and Taringeri. He spends the night in a tent and in his dream he sees a ladder to heaven with angels and St. Peter. At the foot of the ladder he sees three springs that flow together in the shape of a cross. The next morning, Wezzo found these springs and Tassilo had a monastery built here. "

The site of the three springs
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The extensive monastery buildings
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After having been occupied by the Benedictine Missionary Nuns for 99 years, in 2012 the buildings were sold to a cosmetic company, a step probably necessitated by the dwindling number of nuns and the substantial cost for the upkeep of the aging monastery.

Church of St. John the Baptist and the bell tower and defensive tower of the demolished Wessobrunn monastery church
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Church pews No. 200 and No. 201
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Church doors
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Please don't lean you bikes against the wall
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Walls surrounding the monastery grounds
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From Wessobrunn we have some lovely roads and open countryside, then more excellent paved roads through the woods which eventually deteriorate into a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride for a distance which seemed not wanting to end but was only six kilometers.

Our route now takes us down to Ammersee
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A colorful bench in fields of hay
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We are now in Diessen on the southern tip of Ammersee and yes, there is one more church to visit.

Upon entering Diessen, a rather dilapidated building with some interesting wood sculptures
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And a picturesque window
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Marienmünster in Diessen
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The cathedral in Dießen is another beautiful example of the baroque splendor in Upper Bavaria.
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, another amazing church interior! :)
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1 year ago
Cathedral door
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We will follow the west shore of Ammersee to its northern tip. Today is Sunday and the splendid weather has brought thousands of visitors to the sometimes shared walking and bike paths. Had I known I would have planned our route differently but now the only answer to the situation is patience.

Lovely Ammersee
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The last 20 km from Ammersee home are on familiar territory.

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Before we reach Wessling we come across this lovely bucolic scene. While the shepherd watched over his flock, the well trained sheep dog diligently rounded up the strays and kept the flock together.
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Charmaine RuppoltWow, that's a lot of sheep!
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1 year ago

We hadn't felt tempted to stop to eat on the lake, too many people, but now we are hungry. We set our sights on the beer garden in Unterbrunn. The food is good, the beer is good and after another five kilometers we are home.

Gasthaus Högner in Unterbrunn
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Graham FinchGreat snaps again today!
Are you using a HDR mode on the camera, or working wonders on Lightroom?
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Graham FinchThanks again, Graham! I have my camera set on aperture priority, and the HDR look comes from shooting in bright sun and dark shadows situations. Then in LR I open up the shadows a lot. I probably overdo it sometimes. Very often the pictures before I process them are kind of rubbish. lol But the time of day we are out on our bikes is probably not the best light for taking pictures.
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3 years ago
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I've finished the journal just in time. In three days we are leaving for a longer tour, finally. We already postponed it one week due to a discouraging forecast of heavy rain and thunder storms. Now the forecast for next week isn't looking too much better - but we will ride, regardless.

Until the next journal, auf wiedersehen!

Today's ride: 58 km (36 miles)
Total: 279 km (173 miles)

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Nancy GrahamI have finally found some time to catch up with you on your tours. I loved all the photos of course, and I am always a bit envious of you bike touring from home. I am so sorry about your bike issue and hope that can get resolved. Pushing your e-bike up any kind of incline is not only terribly difficult but, I think, a bit dangerous for us of the older generation ;’-).

I look forward to your next post, and to learning what you will find about your e-bike issues.
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Nancy GrahamGlad you like my photos - you are so encouraging! We leave tomorrow for the next tour, but who knows how long it is going to take me to get the journal done!
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3 years ago