People following us - CycleBlaze

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People following us

Lois Alexander

We will be taking a biking adventure next month and would like to know how on this blog to find out who is following us. I can see how many people are but would like to know who they are. Thanx

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1 year ago
Mike AylingTo Lois Alexander

Hi Lois

I don't know the answer but as soon as I saw that you are using paper maps I ticked the follow box!


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1 year ago
George HallTo Lois Alexander

Well, the paper maps comment caused me to look at your profile and your journal, and I too am now "following" you.  It may be helpful for you to look at this forum post; Northern Tier Stats.  Also, my Northern Tier journal of 2 years ago may prove to be helpful as you move along and seek lodging - there's some very amateur video of each day that can show you what to expect also; My Northern Tier 2021 Adventure.  Best of luck! 

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1 year ago
Lois AlexanderTo Mike Ayling

Hahahaha, I didn't realize paper maps would be an exciting thing, but welcome to our blog. Hopefully you will find it interesting once we start rolling in a few weeks.


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1 year ago
Bob DistelbergTo Lois Alexander

It's probably also worth noting that many people on this site will "follow" you without ever clicking "Follow", simply by going to "Last Updated" and seeing what's new. Bottom line is that if you post, you will definitely have a friendly and supportive audience. 

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1 year ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Lois Alexander

Short answer-you cannot find out the names of people following your blog. Longer answer_although you cannot know by name who, or how many, are following you, you can look daily to see how many people have read the blog by going to "mycycleblaze" (top of the page) and checking the number of views on your current Journal. Lots of us do not click on follow, but read the updates most days anyway, it is sort of addictive. Welcome to the site, and have a great trip.

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1 year ago
Mike AylingTo Lois Alexander

Hi Lois

I am just an old timer who prefers paper maps where possible. They are heavy when you have to carry a lot of them for your trip but at least they never run out of battery!

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1 year ago
Leo WoodlandTo Mike Ayling

People who use paper maps will go to heaven. They are the blessed among us.

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1 year ago
John SaxbyTo Leo Woodland

Yep, big-picture wallahs, even if we are just making a virtue out of necessity. ("I can't see a whole lot of detail on that tiny map, sweetie.")

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1 year ago