Favorite bicycling photo of 2022 (page 6) - CycleBlaze

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Favorite bicycling photo of 2022 (page 6)

Kathleen JonesTo Bill Stone

I had a lot of good times on my trike in 2022, although none on a tour alas. However, one day I did a great loop ride in western Marin County, which is north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Lots of redwoods, a creek that has salmonids returning, ranches and old barns, pillow basalt, wildflowers, and this peaceful stretch of the bike path.

Bike trail in Samuel P. Taylor State Park, Marin County, California
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1 year ago
ozzy90 macTo Kathleen Jones

Wow, that's a great photo! My favourite bicycling photo from 2022 is one I took during a solo ride through the mountains. I bought that bike just before going on a trip from here, and the scenery was breathtaking, and the feeling of freedom and accomplishment was indescribable. I'll have to dig it up and post it here. Thanks for starting this thread; it's a great way to reflect on the year and remember all the amazing experiences we've had on our bikes.

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1 year ago
Bill StoneTo ozzy90 mac

"I'll have to dig it up and post it here."

Please do.

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1 year ago
Bill StoneTo Kathleen Jones

Hi Kathleen. Looks like you had a lovely day at Sam Taylor and environs. You know our stomping grounds tend to overlap, so I bet you won't be surprised to learn I have a photo very similar to yours, except that my bike is missing a wheel. ;-)

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1 year ago
Kathleen JonesTo Bill Stone

Funny how that is! 

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1 year ago
Janice BranhamTo Kathleen Jones

I love that path in Sam Taylor Kathleen. We rode it a second time last year to camp in the hiker biker site under the soaring redwoods. Thanks for a sweet memory.

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1 year ago
Vince McCarthyTo Bill Stone

I have too many fond bike touring photos from last year to identify my favourite. A lot of them were wildlife encounters. 

My happiest moment was getting a loving kiss from Yoshi when I returned home after completing my circumnavigation of Australia. 
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1 year ago
Kathleen JonesTo Vince McCarthy

That sort of sums up everything, Vince. Nice one.

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1 year ago
Timothy DaleTo Bill Stone
At a convenience store in Iowa on my way from MD to DesMoines, I ran into a trucker who was eyeing my bike while I was shopping. I was watching the bike through the store window and thought this guy looked suspicious and might take something. But he turned out to be great guy who was a cyclist also. He carries a bike in his truck and rides whenever he can. He took this pic for me in front of his rig. Can't judge a book by its cover.
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1 year ago
Jeff LeeTo Bill Stone

It's hard to pick a favorite photo from my Fall 2022 tour, but something about this ugly, asymmetrical tree appeals to me. Maybe because it reminds me of the pleasant, empty roads I enjoyed in Nebraska. I think Nebraska is really an overlooked destination for bicycle touring, especially if you're willing and able to do some gravel occasionally.

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1 year ago