Mark Bingham - Member Profile - CycleBlaze

Member Profile

Mark Bingham


Title Ratings
The Empire State Trail 443
Weird and Interesting Iowa 22
New Orleans to Nashville 245
The Laceration That Launched a Tour 232
The Rolling Mardi Gras 182
The No Tear Tier 1469
Seattle towards Minnesota 370
1982: Stories of the Young and Dumb, aka My First Bike Trip 1168
A Bike Tour Lasting Thirty Seconds 18


I'm a pretty normal guy. So normal that I've never had a nickname for more than a week - nothing sticks.  I've been called "abnormally normal," and I think it's probably accurate.

However, every once in a while I decide to strap a tent and a sleeping bag to my bike and pedal across a few states. 

Seems completely normal to me....

I took my first bike tour in 1982, right out of college (the red in the center). 

It's interesting now, looking back, at how different touring was. There were only pay phones along the way, and to determine my route I'd buy a state map at the border and look for backroads. My highest piece of tech equipment was a belt-driven cyclometer attached to my front hub that, after one mile, was accurate within one mile. 

Looking back, I can't believe I even rode those 3,000+ miles because I didn't know anything about bicycling, touring, or life. Even so, it was a true adventure, and I haven't looked back since.