D52: 木渎 → 无锡惠山区 - Insert Witty Title Here - CycleBlaze

July 25, 2023

D52: 木渎 → 无锡惠山区

I should like to start by bellyaching over my package's continuing non-arrival at the Courier Station by the time I had dawdled my way through a coffee filled morning and gone the 10km back in the wrong direction. However, they helpfully called the fellow who was doing his delivery rounds and not only guilted him into finding it in his little electric trike truck but also got him to change the order of his deliveries so that I'd get it before I finished eating lunch at the shop next door.

Being as I had returned from the distant outskirts back to what passes for Chinese suburbs (but would very much be considered urban in the US), my route from where I know was to the China Daily offices in Wuxi was basically nothing but big flat fast roads broken up by lots and lots and lots of level crossings with traffic lights.

I might have been frustrated with it over being dull and boring but I accidentally told the person I was interviewing with that I'd be there "at 3:30” instead of "in 3 ½ hours" and it was already 1pm and, as he already knew he was getting Sweaty Biker Marian and not Professional Marian, I spent the whole time riding as fast as I possibly could and therefore had my mind filled with other things (like whether or not I could safely make it through an intersection).

Once that was over with, I went to meet a friend who lives in a part of Wuxi so far on the outskirts that it really ought to still be called another county instead of a district. I was already racing on account of his waiting on eating dinner for me to arrive and then this lady on a share bike kept catching up to me at traffic lights and passing me and I just couldn't allow that, so I pushed myself to the point that after I got to his place and showered and changed and we took a taxi back downtown to a foreigner hangout called Red Lion, my legs started painfully cramping.

Even in the seriously hot parts of last summer, I don't remember pushing myself to the point of cramping even once. Now, as I've started shedding pounds to the point where I'm pushing "chubby athlete" instead of "muscle under fat", I've already done it three times in one Tour. 

While I like the societal benefits that come with being thinner, I'm pretty sure this is not a good habit and I should try to not do it again.

Ended the evening smoking mint and apple flavored Shisha on my friend's balcony before a really rough night's sleep on the old school harder-than-rocks bed in his spare bedroom.

Today's ride: 82 km (51 miles)
Total: 3,196 km (1,985 miles)

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