I5-1/2: 杭州 - Insert Witty Title Here - CycleBlaze

July 20, 2023 to July 21, 2023

I5-1/2: 杭州

There was a lot of rain.

There was also a lot of leftover pizza singing the siren song of "you don't actually care about what this much dairy is going to do to your gut after this many weeks without regularly consuming dairy".

I finally finished the last chapter of Tibetan Medical Bathing.

And then, as if the dairy and all those delicious crusty carbs hadn't been enough for my system, there was also some truly incredible thick cut M9 Wagyu steaks to pay me back for the help I provided during the Shanghai lockdown¹ in receiving criminal background checks and authenticated diplomas from overseas and forwarding them on to the appropriate provinces².

The combination of the gray and ick outside with my body's processing of both a massive amount of high quality protein and a massive amount of cheese will see me sleeping 14 hours³ the second day I'm at Sopie and Sully's apartment.

Clothing clean and socializing in English batteries recharged, I'm now ready for the last third of this year's Tour.


¹ Which also, for some reason, affected Hangzhou's international mail

² Literally all I needed to do was stay in one location long enough for the FedEx guy to bring them to me and the Shunfeng guy to get them from me.

³ This is according to my smartwatch and doesn't include the periods I spent awake between long naps

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