January 6, 2025
The Archival Project: guides, maps, and brochures
I’m back from my adventurous trip to the optometrist to get a new prescription for my eyeglasses. Rachael’s off climbing into the West Hills and the Raven isn’t due to roll inq until late afternoon, so I decide to tackle the box of maps from the storage unit. We must have collected fifty or so maps from our various travels. Like books, they’ve been kept around not for reuse but because I like just looking at them and reminiscing about their role in our lives. While I’m at it I’ll look at the guides and brochures. Feels like a natural grouping to take ground on.
We aren’t actually dealing with the guides yet, but we have a plan for them. There is over a cubic foot box of them, mostly cycling guides but with hiking and field guides mixed in - maybe seventy or eighty of them in all. Some of these I suspect we’ll hang on to for sentimental reasons or even use someday, such as probably some of these:
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The rest though we plan to dispense with. Our plan is to come back in March and create an inventory of the ones we’re giving away post it here in the blog and the forum, and offer them up to anyone who might want any of them. After that any that remain.will go to a thrift shop or the library.
We have a quite extensive map collection too, another cubic box worth. We haven’t relied on a paper map in probably at least a decade, so I treat them the same as the box of souvenirs and triage the pile. The great majority of them are ones that will get tossed after I take a few representative images as reminders:
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As with the souvenir box, there’s a second category of maps we’ll postpone a decision on. They’re small enough that they don’t take much space, and for whatever reason they have enough sentimental value that we may just end up keeping them. There no rush to judgement needed here.
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2 days ago
And finally there are the lifers, the ones we’ll probably keep until we’re gone. There’s only one of these in the map group, the large-scale map of Western Europe. For fifteen years this map lined the wall of the back bedroom in our condo, and after each tour I’d trace the outline of the just completed tour on it. If we ever have a wall again we’ll remount it and catch up from the intervening years since it got folded away.
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2 days ago
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1 day ago
Our remaining brochures are limited to programs from PIFF, rhe Portland International Film Festival that was the highlight of our Februaries for over a decade. We were film fanatics and would see between 30 and 40 films in a crazy 3 week space, fitting showings in around our work schedules because we were still full time employees. And, here are the programs from our three trips to Sisters in Central Oregon on the first weekend in September to the folk festival there, an event that took over the entire town - a big tent in the park with smaller stages in cafes and markets and off in the woods - another blast whirlwind of concerts interspersed with rides in the high desert.
That’s it for the brochures though. The mountain of playbills, symphony programs and dance programs all got tossed in the initial purge seven years ago.
Like with those other programs, we’re just retaining digital images as reminders.
The Portland International Film Festival
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In later years they were standardized and condensed, squeezing out paper while keeping the same general model and content. We got more disciplined toward the end and would keep a file copy after we’d seen our last film - typically grabbed at the members-only closing night’s ceremony at the art museum, listening to a live band, sipping the free wine and chatting with other film fanatics. We later highlighted the file copy to show which films we actually attended.
The Sisters Folk Festival
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