Along the River through the Pass Next to the Lakes - Scaling the Alps to the Italian Lakes - Tally Gals - CycleBlaze

September 4, 2023

Along the River through the Pass Next to the Lakes

Ahh, Five miles down hill to our hotel

Our route today started in Imst along the Inn river, through farming valleys with a few short climbs to Landeck where our tour company met us near the train/bus station. The bikes were loaded onto a trailer, panniers placed in the van’s rear trunk and the four groups doing this tour divided into two groups. Some riding the van and the rest of us taking the bus up through the Reschen Pass.  Had we opted to ride through the pass it would have added an additional 65 km and 750 meters of climbing. Without the extra miles we had a 49 km day. 

Farming land along the first part of our ride. Still flat valleys surrounded by mountains
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Waiting for our transfer driver who would bring our bikes up to the meeting place in Nauders.
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Trying to get up higher!
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Rolling bikes up to the trailer to be loaded
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Bikes loaded and ready to go
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The bus we rode on had space to carry 5 bikes on the back
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As we progressed the valleys got hillier
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Some of the roads we rode on were very narrow. This truck took up the entire road.
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Mountain biking in the town of Nauders prevailed. Full suspension analog (regular) and e-mountain bikes were constantly passing us going both uphill and down. Riders were outfitted in full gear: knee pads, elbow pads and often full face helmets and rib pads. A far cry from our clunky tourist e-bikes. Along the bike trail/route just out of Nauders there was a lift running, my guess taking mountain bikers up the mountain.  

After about 4 km after Nauders we rode into Italy. 

Riding into Italy on our bikes
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The bike path from Nauders to Mal was mostly down hill with a few short steep climbs following along the edge of two turquoise lakes, Lake Reschen and Lake Haidersee. Lake Reschen was created by damming in 1950. Only a church tower jutting out of the lake marks the sunken village of Old Graun.

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Kathryn ZiewitzLook at all that snow!
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10 months ago
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Snow covered mountain tops were a pleasant surprise as we rode up a steep incline and rounded a curve. The white snow was visible for miles until we descended below the nearer lower mountains. At least three of the descents had a 20% grade, 30 km per hour speed limit with flashing signs at various points telling you your speed. An amazing number of hardy folks were climbing up! A few walking but most riding. 

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We transgressed several small villages with very narrow single lane roads. In one case, the town square complete with fountain was so small that we had to keep moving out of the way as a car made a left turn.  A few blocks later a car had to back up down and around a corner to let a truck make it’s way carefully through the intersection. The village was very charming with folks sitting outside eating and talking. 

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Lynn WalkerWhoa, that is a tiny road!
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10 months ago
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Shortly beyond the small village was a small castle one of several we saw today. 

The rest of the ride was downhill to our hotel. In Mal, German is the first language and only language taught in the schools. This area was once a part of Austria.  The proprietor was explaining that a treaty with Mussolini after the war was when the borders where changed. She was very clear that they see themselves as Austrian.

Entering the hotel from the bike garage you had to duck in order to not bump your head!
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Some views around Mals
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Today's ride: 29 miles (47 km)
Total: 478 miles (769 km)

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Lynn WalkerThe scenery...simply breath taking!
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10 months ago