12/22/23 day off in Guerrero Negro - south - CycleBlaze

December 22, 2023

12/22/23 day off in Guerrero Negro

The long expected rain had came and gone by the time I got up. It left the air sticky and uncomfortable, making me think I better carry more water than usual tomorrow. I spent a lazy day, resting my legs and tending to errands. I did laundry, bike maintenance (pumped up tires, tightened brakes), and got many thousands of pesos in cash.  I came close to running out of cash these past few days and had to pay close attention to prices. I should be good for a while now.   Prices are not as low as I’d hoped, the peso steadily getting stronger against the dollar. It was close to 18 to 1 when I started, it’s now under 17 with rural spots giving 15. 

Dropped of my laundry here
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Extremely friendly puppy at the fruit stand
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After many hours using the wifi in  the cafe next to my hotel I’ve managed to get this blog, such as it is, up to date. I’d decided before I began that I’d hold off exposing myself to the world until I was comfortable that this open ended trip had a chance of succeeding. I try not to think too far ahead, but I’m feeling good, my tires are full and the weather is fine, so here it goes. I’ll try to update daily moving forward. 

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Bill ShaneyfeltGood to see you out again! Looking forward to doing some nature ID searching...

So far so good!
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7 months ago
David ChavezThanks, I enjoy your contributions!
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7 months ago
Raj HajelaLoving this journal and the photography. Training Ride was fun too. Thanks, tailwinds and tacos!
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7 months ago
Rich FrasierSo happy to see this! Like Raj says, “Training Ride” was cool. I’m looking forward to following along.
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7 months ago
Susan ForsGo David! This is so inspiring.
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6 months ago