12/21/23 Guerrero Negro - south - CycleBlaze

December 21, 2023

12/21/23 Guerrero Negro

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I slept poorly, the noise from the trucks and generators lasting far into the night, then the roosters crowing well before dawn.   I knew this would happen, but preferred it over another night in the desert because of the shower, toilet and restaurant that came with it. 

It wasn’t a particularly interesting ride, I just pedaled against the wind until I got to Guerrero Negro, catching a smattering of rain at the end.  I found a quiet hotel and paid for two nights. 

Leaving Nuevo Rosarito
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Bill ShaneyfeltOsprey
Nice shot!

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7 months ago
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Rain blowing up from the southwest caught me at the end
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Looking north
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Downtown Guerrero Negro
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Staying at Hotel Morro
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Today's ride: 51 miles (82 km)
Total: 473 miles (761 km)

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