12/14/24 day off in Cuernavaca - south - CycleBlaze

February 14, 2024

12/14/24 day off in Cuernavaca

I found Cuernavaca to be a bit overpowering, at least the downtown area where I spent my time. The crush of people and cars and the unrelenting noise wear on me in a way it didn’t used to. I suspect I’m becoming a bit of a curmudgeon because everyone else was having a jolly old time. Yesterday was Mardi Gras, I discovered, and in Morelos it is celebrated with Chinelos. Below is a video of one group of them, but they were *everywhere*

They never stopped and the tune never changed.  It went on for hours, punctuated with fireworks.
Alleyways full of shops and people.
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Constant traffic
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There are many private homes behind gates and high walls. I imagine idyllic gardens and fountains
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Cuernavaca is known as the City of Eternal Spring
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Bill ShaneyfeltMight be yellow cotton tree.

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5 months ago
It’s a hilly city, I am not looking forward to making my exit
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First sighting of Popocatépetl, seen from the Robert Brady museum. I hope to be cycling past it in a few days
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I went to the Palacio Cortes, the conquistador’s former home, to see the Diego Rivera mural. It’s hard to photograph
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But it’s a picture of subjugation and abuse that causes one to wonder what might have been
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The Palacio Cortes is built on top of a former Aztec pyramid, the usual practice. Here’s a piece of the foundation
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View from the terrace
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The Plaza de Armas is blocked off today, prepping for a concert by El Recodo, the band whose semi is parked in front
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I found a barbershop and got a beard trim. I’m “this close” to shaving my head
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