02/13/24 Cuernavaca - south - CycleBlaze

February 13, 2024

02/13/24 Cuernavaca

Dropped into Morelos without fanfare or signage
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Not having failing tires or wayward packages to occupy my mind I was able to stay in the moment all day and quite enjoyed it. It wasn’t easy cycling, with several stretches of up to 11% grades, but the air, the scenery and the people were all really nice. I hit 9,25o feet, a new high for this trip, but thanks to a chance encounter it was a lot less climbing than I’d expected to have to do. 

Nevado de Toluca and bicycle
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Smoke from the morning fires
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A lot of this
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He stopped baring his teeth once I pulled out my camera, so he looks like a good dog instead of a terrorist
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I had stopped for an orange juice after the first climb when Gabriel drove up for sherry and quail’s eggs (“for potency” he said, with a sly grin). He showed me an alternate route to Cuernavaca that added 5 miles to the day but eliminated over a thousand feet of climbing and a whole lot of traffic
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I got passed by cycling pilgrims
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The drivers didn’t mind they took the entire lane
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The view at my high point of the day, but not the end of climbing
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Pretty church near my summit
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First encounter with passion fruit
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Nice, brings back pleasant memories
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More cycling pilgrims
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And a convoy of pilgrims in trucks. No walkers today
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My route took me through or by several towns and villages. Each with at least one church
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Pleasant scenes, clean fresh air
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One town had a lot of places selling pulque
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Sra. Juana María gave me free samples of pulque and aguamiel that left me with a decent buzz for a while
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It was so nice to be cycling through this
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Lots of places selling fresh flowers. Many tulips
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A field of peas
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I’d never seen green and yellow chorizo
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I ordered a couple of tacos, even though I wasn’t hungry
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Delicious. Made with black corn tamales, also a first for me
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Saddles for sale
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Riding through the forest
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Trout tanks. Many restaurants selling trout today
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Few villages in the forest but many individual houses and restaurants at nearly every turn
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Javier was quite taken by my bike
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The dirty secret is that you couldn’t go 10 feet without encountering litter
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Karen PoretVery sad, indeed..
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5 months ago
This sign asking people to not litter was surrounded by trash
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Sierra Madre
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The decent was long and steep and would have been a difficult climb. I may need to replace brake pads after today
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A lot of the downhill stretch was lined by expensive private homes. I saw a few that were simply palatial
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Still descending, Cuernavaca peaking up in the distance
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I dropped into downtown Cuernavaca and followed Google to a cheap hotel I’d found earlier. I wanted an Airbnb but my app insisted that there were none, zero, available. I think it’s a bug
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Almost died trying to take this picture
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Jardín Juárez was busy
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Palace of Cortes, once his home now a museum which I hope to visit tomorrow
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My $50 oasis of calm a few blocks away from the center includes a strutting peacock. I’ll be here for two nights
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Today's ride: 41 miles (66 km)
Total: 1,876 miles (3,019 km)

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