02/12/24 Santiago Tianguistenco de Galeana - south - CycleBlaze

February 12, 2024

02/12/24 Santiago Tianguistenco de Galeana

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I really enjoyed today. I saw a lot of interesting things, had a deeply satisfying encounter and am well positioned for the big climb to Cuernavaca tomorrow. A good day. 

The forecast was for more headwinds so I left early to try to get a jump on them
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Traffic was atrocious for the first 8 miles, I couldn’t understand why
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Then the answer appeared
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A group of pilgrims on a 4 day trek to Chalma
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This is the second largest pilgrimage in Mexico, larger than the one I encountered in Jalisco last month
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The lead truck was blasting encouragement
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This is an encampment of pilgrims who’d left Atlacalmuco yesterday, same as me
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A bit of snow visible on Nevado de Toluca, fourth highest peak in Mexico (15,350 ft)
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Toluca is a large city
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With questionable bicycle infrastructure
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The first of several mounted pilgrims taking a break before riding across Toluca
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Roberto explained they’d ridden from San Bartolo Oxtotitlán, about 35 miles north and expected to arrive in Chalma tomorrow
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Cosmovitral Botanical Gardens. Closed Mondays
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That’s a pity, I’d have liked to visit. But not enough to stay a day
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The caretaker wouldn’t let me take a peek around the door, no matter how much I pleaded
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Plaza de los Mártires, main plaza in Toluca and surrounded by the government centers
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It has petty fountains
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VIPs in the plaza
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Chamber of Deputies “The People’s House”
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The statue of Hidalgo in front of the people’s house is graffitied with a request for legalized abortion
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Karen PoretSuch a pity to deface this..channel your change positively for a better outcome..
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5 months ago
Hunger strikers for human rights in front of the executive building. Nobody was willing to offer any details
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This is a cycle lane
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Karen PoretIn USA at least, cars would be towed away ( money in the city coffers, mostly.. not for the rule breaking 🙄
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5 months ago
Mike AylingNot an uncommon sight here in Oz.
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5 months ago
This is graffiti complaining about the lack of respect for cyclists
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And this one reads “The autonomous University of the State of Mexico does not protect the Otomi People. It exterminates them with its fucking capitalist English university”
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I passed through the charming Toluca suburb of Metepec
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It was market day and the street I’d been routed through was abuzz with shops and food stalls
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A pretty town
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After Metepec I came upon a coffee house in a residential area and stopped for lunch. Claudia and I really hit it off and we talked for a long time
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She’s convinced me to go to Oaxaca after Puebla
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I had a legit bike path for a while after leaving Claudia’s. Which is good because the promised wind had arrived and riding had become difficult
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Fancy houses in a gated community near the bike path
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The bike lane ended and I was dumped into the countryside
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According to RideWithGPS I’m on a 100% paved route
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Karen PoretPaved for horses!
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5 months ago
Mike AylingRideWithGPS once told me that that they use Google Maps and other third party providers!
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5 months ago
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I eventually met a proper road leading to a proper town
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I celebrated by having popsicles at a shop decorated with Archangel Michael
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I encountered more mounted pilgrims, coming from the south
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Stopped for more ice cream in one of the many towns south of Toluca
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I got routed through a lot of different roads. I don’t like cobblestones but I do like tree tunnels. I walked this segment
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Mike AylingWhat is the other side of the barbed wire?
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5 months ago
David ChavezVery rich people
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5 months ago
I passed on the hourly rate and took a room for the night
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This update composed while sitting in the garden outside my room
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Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 1,835 miles (2,953 km)

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