12/11/23 La Misión - south - CycleBlaze

December 11, 2023

12/11/23 La Misión

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This 20 mile per day goal puts a whole new spin on cycle touring. It’s so easy, there’s zero stress. Wake up without an alarm, enjoy a leisurely breakfast, cycle away slowly. I got to La Misión around 10:30, had a second breakfast overlooking the ocean and decided to take a room at Poco Cielo. 

Gus saw my bike and joined me for breakfast. A pioneer in the cannabis industry he has a nice place in Nayarit, if I’m in the neighborhood. We’ll be in touch
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Greg, on the other hand, was determined I be terrified of the dangers which await me
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It can’t be dangerous
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An active construction site. I thought it was an abandoned project from the distance, but people were pounding away inside
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Looking back at towards Rosarito. I was never really away from developments the entire route
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No entiendo
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I wonder if there’s a stem cell solution to bursitis…
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Thank you. Happy to be here
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Looking up at my hotel
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Enjoying my hotel
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Took a stroll on the beach
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Poked around the tide pools
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Bill ShaneyfeltAnemone. Possibly a sunburst anemone.

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7 months ago
Found this at the end of the beach
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I could stare at it for hours
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Quite the house
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JoEllen was so delighted I spoke English that we chatted for the longest time. She persisted in exploring my “Hebraic” features and was delighted to learn I have Sephardic roots, she being Ashkenazi. When she heard I have Scottish lineage on my mother’s side she got chills, as it’s clear that Mary Magdalene is a grandma of mine.
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I’m glad to be in a place where someone can spend hours drawing pictures in the sand
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I’ve had worse days
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I’m in the Medieval Room at Poco Cielo
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This $50 experience included two complementary margaritas
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Today's ride: 21 miles (34 km)
Total: 84 miles (135 km)

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