04/17/24 sick in San Lorenzo - south - CycleBlaze

April 17, 2024

04/17/24 sick in San Lorenzo

Short and flat and long enough for today
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I’m not sure what got me, my roadside breakfast of eggs, bananas, beans and cheese seemed fine, as did the two frappucccino knockoffs I had when I got to Nacaome. But last night I had no appetite at all and was still feeling “off” when I got out of bed this morning, and confirmed it when I started throwing up. I considered just staying put, but my hotel was expensive and the air conditioning loud and inefficient so I decided to go down the road to San Lorenzo and hole up there.  So I did and here I am. I slept for a few hours, went out for some food and am back at the hotel again, unsure if I’ll move tomorrow or not. There’s nothing to keep me in San Lorenzo but lethargy, but that may be enough. I’m hoping to intercept a package with camera and kickstand in Liberia, Costa Rica and it hasn’t shipped yet so I don’t feel any need to rush. One day at a time. 

I was going to comment that this is an unusual sight
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but then I saw several
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and now think it’s not so unusual
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Big iguana statue leaving Nacaome
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I’ll just just pedal around this, thank you
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Big insect nest
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Bill ShaneyfeltEither ants or termites.
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5 months ago
Firewood. The big stack in the front sells for less than $5
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Colorful hammocks
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Old bridge coming into San Lorenzo
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“Read the Bible, the end is near”. I can feel it
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Patrick O'HaraI hear ya, brother!
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5 months ago
Shark and bayan(?) tree at the entrance to San Lorenzo
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Too hot to browse the street market
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All the American icons are here
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Today's ride: 14 miles (23 km)
Total: 3,563 miles (5,734 km)

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