03/18/24 Palenque ruins - south - CycleBlaze

March 18, 2024

03/18/24 Palenque ruins

I caught a ride in one on the minibuses that are continuously going between town and the ruins. I visited here in December of 1976 and my memory is of less buildings and more freedom to climb and explore. I’m not sure if there have been new excavations since I was last here, but the site feels bigger than I recall, and only a few of the buildings allow climbing.  You used to be able to climb down inside the main pyramid to the tomb, but it’s blocked off now. There are other tombs in an adjacent structure which you can explore and which I don’t remember from before. I spent about 3 hours wandering the grounds and at the end I was soaking wet with sweat, as if I’d stood in a shower.  I think today was especially hot, my Airbnb host commented on it. I couldn’t imagine cycling all day in this weather. 

Lots of stalls selling way overpriced food and souvenirs
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I was early enough that the crowd was small and I could generally get pictures without tourists
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But there were people everywhere's, quite a few by the time I left
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The thatch covers some restored stone (clean and white) and the entrance to the female tomb
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Mayan arches in the tomb room
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One of the early archaeologists is buried in front
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Seems appropriate
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The main pyramid. The top was cleaned and restored about 4 years ago. It didn’t used to be this white
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Palace complex also cleaned
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Can kind of make out the reliefs
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Restored glyph on the Pyramid of the Sun
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Pyramid of the Sun
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Pyramid of the Sun from a bigger one whose name I can’t find
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Another pyramid
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A tree that came and went in the centuries since this was built
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These stones are slowly being consumed
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The ball court
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I’m guessing the ground has slumped since this was built
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Bill ShaneyfeltLooks like a Julia Heliconian

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4 months ago
Another cleaned and restored relief
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This column that fell from above looks cemented in place now
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More restored reliefs. Not easily visible except with zoom
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The palace complex
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Much stuff remains buried in the bush
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I’m parked in front of the fan at the bus station, leaving for Tuxtla Gutiérrez in 30 minutes
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Karen PoretThank you for your wonderful photos and enduring the heat to share these with us!
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4 months ago
Robert BryceGreat photos. Great memories.
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4 months ago