02/26/24 Oaxaca - south - CycleBlaze

February 26, 2024

02/26/24 Oaxaca

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The road out of Nochixtlan was lined with burned out vehicles, many emblazoned with Liberty! and Justice! I asked a passerby what the story was and told they were just burned out vehicles that had been there for years. I feel there’s a story, but haven’t done anymore exploring, so the cover up clearly worked
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Riding in less harsh climes. Still hot and dry hot
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Migrants walking north. I must have encountered over a hundred today. I spoke with several, including a group from Ecuador and a fellow from Honduras. All walking because they were bounced from the buses by immigration police, all curious how far it was to the next town. The guy from Honduras approached me from the other side of the road, speaking in the English he’d learned from the time he was living in Los Angeles before being apprehended and deported back to Honduras. He wasn’t enjoying the hike, but I’d describe his demeanor as cheerful
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Just as I was about to reach for my Nutella and crackers this appeared
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I lingered here a long time in the pleasant shade while enjoying lunch and drinking orangeade and guavade
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I started seeing these very well made wooden toys for sale
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And soon road past the house where they were being made
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Precambrian granite and Anthropocene melange
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Welcome to Oaxaca, Colonial City
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Respect for the rights of others is peace, said Benito Juarez
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I’ll always stop for a pretty mural
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Respect for the rights of others is peace
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I found a very nice hotel, $30, quiet, OK internet and good hot water. A better deal than a private room at the local hostel
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I walked over to the hostel to meet Barry, a 50-something Brit whom I’ve been chatting on a WhatsApp group of southbound cyclists that I’ve been on since meeting Eduard in San Ignacio on Christmas Eve
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Passed some interesting spots on the way
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These are crickets, which I’ve yet to try
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Barry and I had dinner and then went mescal tasting. It was nice
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I’m here for a few days. I want to rest, do laundry, shave my head, get a new hat, plan the next leg and help Barry celebrate his birthday on Wednesday. And maybe eat crickets
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Today's ride: 50 miles (80 km)
Total: 2,200 miles (3,541 km)

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Rich FrasierCongratulations on reaching your first big objective! I've been enjoying following along and I'm looking forward to your further adventures.
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4 months ago
Patrick O'HaraLikewise. Enjoying your journal. Excited to see where you end up. Plus, the Chapulines (grasshoppers) taste like........well, grass!
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4 months ago