02/25/24 Asunción Nochixtlán - south - CycleBlaze

February 25, 2024

02/25/24 Asunción Nochixtlán

A sunny ride
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I had a slow start today, mostly because the restaurant at the gas station didn’t open until 8 and I had no wish to descend back into town. It’s 75 miles from Tepelmeme to Oaxaca and I opted for two easyish days instead of one long. A good choice, I was still tired from the climb yesterday and there was so much sun today that I wore out faster than expected.

I haven’t seen many thatched roofs
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These pine trees looked out of place
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It looks like a project
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And indeed it is. Apparently “Environmental compensation”
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I’m riding the toll road to Oaxaca, it’s the only choice and is quite good. Traffic is light enough that I can hear my podcasts, and I’m the recipient of many encouraging honks and waves
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I passed by many small villages
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all with a similar look
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I’ve begun encountering migrants walking north. Usually it’s small groups of young men, but occasionally families with young children, some possibly Haitian or other Caribbean nationalities. Manuel is from Honduras and had been walking from Oaxaca since being thrown off the bus by immigration authorities who also took his money and cellphone. He’d stopped me to ask how much further it was to Tepelmeme, and if I had any food. I gave him my banana and Al Otro Lado’s phone number. He’s heading north to look for work in the US, and told me I was crazier than he was
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Colorful rocks
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These trees have different plants growing on them
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I thought perhaps orchids, but this is not familiar to me
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Bill ShaneyfeltAnother airplant (Bromeliad), related to the ballmoss a few days back.

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5 months ago
I don’t know what this is either
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Bill ShaneyfeltMore airplants related to Spanish moss and pineapples.
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5 months ago
Welcome to Nochixtlan, Gateway to the Mixteca. The Mixtec are the indigenous people of Oaxaca
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Neurotics Anonymous, what a great idea
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I’m all alone at the Hotel Fandangos
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Sunday market was wrapping up when I walked to town for dinner
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I need to start drinking more micheladas
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Very refreshing
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It’s been a while since I’ve had tacos
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Still good
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I expect to arrive in Oaxaca city tomorrow, where I’ll take a day or two break. I’m feeling a bit worn out and need to think about where I go next
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Today's ride: 33 miles (53 km)
Total: 2,150 miles (3,460 km)

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