02/29/24 days off in Oaxaca - south - CycleBlaze

February 27, 2024 to February 29, 2024

02/29/24 days off in Oaxaca

I’ve really enjoyed my time in Oaxaca, made easy by affordable, comfortable lodging walking distance from all the delights of the historic center.  In spite of clearly being a tourist destination, the ratio of obvious foreigners to locals seems so low that it feels like a legitimate place and not Disneyland.  I spent the days leisurely tending to errands, drinking micheladas in the zocalo and hanging out with Barry in the evenings.

I also spent a lot of time staring at maps and drafting routes. Ever since leaving Tepic I’ve been enjoying the milder temperatures and low humidity of the elevated interior, but those days are coming to an end. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec separates the mountains of Oaxaca from those in Chiapas making going back to hot and humid sea level unavoidable.  The only choice is deciding where to do the sweating.  The routes out of Oaxaca are hilly and all end up on or near the Pacific coast which feels unexcitingly like where I started. Veracruz on the other hand sounds exotic, has nostalgic memories, and is on the opposite side of Mexico which has a certain appeal. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve got a ticket tomorrow on a mid morning bus back to Puebla and from there I’ll be cycling towards Xalapa and Veracruz.   Choosing between Oaxaca and Veracruz had been an unnecessary dilemma all along 

Primary errand was my favorite hat. It had become too filthy to wear and too worn out to wash
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so I dropped it off at a tailor’s
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and had it upgraded
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I drank a lot of bougie coffee
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Karen PoretThat is a work of art!
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4 months ago
Refilled my meds. All my prescription stuff is OTC here, which makes things easy
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No thanks
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David ChavezYes, plus feet and various organs
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4 months ago
Hung out in the Zocalo
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I found this very pleasant
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Patrick O'HaraNice! No better way to spend rest days!
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4 months ago
Residents from villages in the south, protesting abuse and violence at the hands of paramilitary groups
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There a multiple realities here
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Walked over to the bus station for my ticket
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Templo de Santo Domingo de Guzmán
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Very ornate inside
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“The children of Gaza are not a threat”
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Pretty streets
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Many buildings undergoing renovations
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The first two days were hot, in the 90’s, and the sun intense. Pedestrians crowd the shaded side
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“From Mexico to Palestine the border walls will be torn down by the working class”
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I know that guy
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“No human is illegal”
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Next to the market is a tent full of people grilling meat. The process is take a basket to the stall of your choice, order the meat and exchange the basket for a number. Meat shows up at the table when ready
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chose this one
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Yesterday was Barry’s birthday and he shared his excellent tequila he’d been saving since he passed through Tequila
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Full of energy and stories, Barry is a London cycle courier who works long enough to save expedition money and then travels. He’s been doing this for decades, crisscrossing the world and currently on his way to Argentina.
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Karen PoretIs the mark on your right arm from your fall?
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4 months ago
David ChavezI’m fully recovered from my fall, the bruises are merely geriatric
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4 months ago
Karen PoretTo David ChavezI understand that lingo! (Old) ;)
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4 months ago
Shaved my head
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Patrick O'HaraYou look like Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad! I hope you don't mind me saying. It's a compliment.
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4 months ago
David ChavezSay my name
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4 months ago
Robert BryceLooks good - very serious. Glad you are back on the air!
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4 months ago
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