Never ending C&O canal - Across the US on Steel and Titanium - CycleBlaze

August 20, 2023

Never ending C&O canal

This morning was a nice and chilly 50 degrees again leaving Hancock. Seems several restaurants in town I have been to before are now closed. Not much of a choice for breakfast others than Sheets or take you chances at DG or Sav a Lot. But today is Sunday and we lucked out. The local VFW serves a breakfast buffet every Sunday. They also have lunch and dinner every day but Wednesday.  It was a great find and I would recommend it to anyone traveling through Hancock. The folks serving us were great and the food hit the spot. 

Lunch was at Tony’s in Williamsport. Another great find. I had forgotten I had been there on my tour to Minnesota two years ago as I did not remember the road leading uphill into town at all. But as soon as I walked into the restaurant I knew this was my second time there. It was pretty crowded unlike in 2021 when I think there were only a few patrons there …….Covid days. 

The C&O is full of history and natural beauty. I am still amazed at how back in the early 1800s they could accomplish such a feat through such rigid terrain. 

Yesterday I caught up wi the Bruce again. He was eating a PBJ at the very crest of the Paw paw tunnel detour. We both stayed at the Bunk House in Hancock and today decided to extend our day and camp at the Brunswick Family Campground in Brunswick MD instead of at the Antietam camp for which we had already reserved $10 camp sites. For one the ad for the the Brunswick camp looked pretty good as they have showers, water, electric…..everything we were looking for. Unfortunately the place is not exactly all it’s cracked up to be. The water is from an in ground spigot that one camper said made him ill so he drinks bottles only. He has been here living in a tent and working construction for six months. Apparently he lost his family home when he needed to put his demented grandmother in a nursing home.  He was super nice to us and went to the local grocery store  bringing us hotdogs and buns!!!!  Even gave us ice cold bottled water. He has little and is having to start all over at age 43 but went out of his way to help us!!!!Thank you Tommy!!!!!  We could never repay you. 

As for the camp…. Yeah they have showers but I I don’t catch some horrendous foot disease after using it I will be lucky. Hell at least the owner could use the 20 bucks I paid for the campsite and buy a shower head that is mounted to the wall instead of a broken hose shower that leaks. I’d even install t for him!  

So avoid the Brunswick Family Campgrounds at all cost……unless you have a nice cushy rv that is fully self contained.   Family camping my ass….. maybe for the Manson family. 

I’ll maybe put some pics here later. Poor cell service here. Nite. 

Today's ride: 73 miles (117 km)
Total: 3,627 miles (5,837 km)

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