shipping, flying, assembling, and finally relaxing in Zurich - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

June 10, 2022

shipping, flying, assembling, and finally relaxing in Zurich

We started the day waiting on the delivery to the airport of our boxed bikes. Eric (the store owner) had kept them overnight and loaded them into a taxi for us while we lounged at the airport hotel. Such service.

A new trick for us was taping the boxes to the luggage cart so we could roll them without losing half our luggage.

our taxi driver taped them to the luggage cart!
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Marjory SwordSuch a great idea. I will always do that now!
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2 years ago
David SwordDuct tape - is there anything it can’t do ?
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2 years ago
Tam PaYou should have used a different box! Now everyone knows what it is!
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnonot a worry, Tam Pa.
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2 years ago

We had heard horror stories about security lines going outside the airport last week, people waiting 2 hr in the rain. The Dutch solved this in a week, and it was maybe 10 min in security line and 10 min to check in. Are you listening, Toronto?

Of course, we were 4 hr early as suggested. Oh well, nice airport.

Schiphol airport. Very busy, but quick and efficient.
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David SwordNice. And everything in English and English only.
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoTo David Swordexcept for the Dutch...
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2 years ago

We watched to make sure the bikes were loaded. Fun to see them going up the conveyor belt. It would be a boring holiday if they didn't make it!

watching from our gate as our bikes are loaded
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I was more than a little anxious about unpacking these boxes and putting the bikes together, pumping up four tires with a tiny air pump. It only took a total of one hour to strip the packing material, assemble the bikes, pump them up, and repack our panniers to take the train into town. Not the tough job I thought it would be.

a new experience. assemble 2 bikes? no problem!
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David SwordWell done ! And clearly they were not assemble by IKEA.
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2 years ago

From one efficient country to another (Netherlands to Switzerland). The trains are exactly on time, but you better be ready to get on the right car as they are only in station about 2.5 minutes. This was the "bicycle allowed" car, which you can tell by the smallish bike silhouette on the door. If you're at the wrong end of the train, good luck getting on.

train ride into Zurich
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Checked into our hotel (locked storage for bikes, yay!) and a little walk around the old town. We cross a bridge and there's the old town. Very pretty light around 9pm. The typical "love locks" adorn this bridge like so many others. I used to think this was a cute idea....

the Limmat river thru Zurich
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We strolled along checking out restaurants for tomorrow night. Without our friends Paolo and Daniela to pick out awesome places, we are on our own! Lots and lots of choice.

the streets were hopping around 9pm
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We stopped for one drink (my first Swiss Riesling!) and then called it a day. 

One Riesling, one Amaretto Sour coming up!
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We spend tomorrow in Zurich, then its train to Chur and hop on the bikes.

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David SwordThanks for the updates and sharing the wonderful postcard like photos !
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2 years ago