Day 29: Farmington to St Clare - NZ lad riding coast-to-coast in the US - CycleBlaze

June 9, 2023

Day 29: Farmington to St Clare

Heading off the TransAm route to dodge the Ozarks

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I had a little trouble getting out super early this morning because I really wanted to go to a local bakery for their American style pies. Unfortunately, when I walked down they appeared closed and then when I biked down later they were sold out. It had good reviews from cyclists I'd read stories of, but I'm sure there will be more bakeries.

I headed out of town and past a group of school children being herded down the street, they waved at me and asked their teacher where I was going with so much stuff.

I continued out of town, with a sheriff following directly behind me. I pulled over in a car park to let her go further since I felt like at some point I'd do something wrong.

I headed out of Farmington on a new route, much less traveled than the TransAm. The first part was very suburban through side roads parallel to the main freeway, but eventually they became rural back roads. At the only resupply point for the middle section I stopped at a dollar general for some food and drink. The staff member suggested I shouldn't drink the water from the water fountain there so I headed over the road to a state park in search of water.

There was a swimming pool there with a tuck shop so I grabbed some chicken tenders for lunch. The queue for this was long but the food was worth it. They didn't have any working water fountains either, so I headed further into the park and filled up at the first campground.

Heading out of there I was stuck to a busy two lane road without much shoulder but at least I could bike fast and traffic had opportunity to pass. The road I turned off onto was a bit less busy but much worse visibility. I had some drivers that were getting impatient along this route but I genuinely tried to keep out of cars ways as much as possible. I also started spotting a lot more side-by-sides around, must be a cheap alternative to cars around here.

Eventually in the hot sun I reached my campground, which even had a pool. I played volleyball in the pool and some other visitors shared their drinks with me. Before long it was dark and I had had a few and hadn't put up my tent. Not a good combination.

Today was impressively hot, but I enjoyed the new roads and the sense of being a little bit off the path all the others take. Tomorrow I'll get out to the Katy Trail and see how far I get.

Today's ride: 78 km (48 miles)
Total: 1,661 km (1,031 miles)

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