Rye to Stony Point - Geelong a Continuation - CycleBlaze

April 13, 2024

Rye to Stony Point

I woke before my alarm to the sounds of light rain on the tent, nooo, drats a wet tent to pack up. 

After my concerns about the noise and light in my camping area last night it turned to not be to bad. My beanie made a great blindfold and the ear plugs reduced the sound enough to sleep.  The bar down the road turned off their music sometime after 11pm, I wasn't awake to particularly notice.

I got away just before 9am, I'm not in the grove yet so it's taking me longer than I'd like to pack up, the light rain did hamper me a bit. At least it stopped as I set off.

I rode along the shorefore camp grounds in and out for 10kms. That camping area goes a long way and at Christmas is full. Lots of people looked like they might have been there all season, which finishes at the end of April. Some areas are only open during the Christmas school holidays, so are already closed.

Shared path between camping areas
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Then off the pretty path and out onto the Nepean highway which had a couple of dodge spots but I handled then with care. Most of the large traffic now take the motorway but this would have been the road I travelled to Rye on as a child. 

Komoot and I had come up with an indirect route to Hastings and then Stony Point where I'll be catching a ferry tomorrow to Philip island. So as I turned off onto Foxey Rd I thought I'd made a mistake. There was a farm gate in the way.

Umm is this a public way?
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I checked the map and I didn't like the alternative option. So a brave moment was required. I rang the farmer using the number on the gate.  Hi, so you don't know me but can I ride my bike through this gate of yours? Yey sure, there 2 further gates, go for it. Nice guy. So through we went.

Mr farmer didn't mention the overgrown part at the end. All good only 100m on and it exits onto a gravel road.
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I cycled around the Devilbend reservoir and into the picnic area for a lunch stop. Lots of walks around the reservoir start here.

Devilbend Reservoir from near the dam wall
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Lunch with a view
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Continuing into Hastings and a pleasant ride through the Warringine  bushland reserve on the other side.  The Warringine reserve provided my puzzle for the day. Their gate gadget to stop ... Well I don't know what, but it was a tight fit to maneuver Lexi through the gates.

Today's puzzle. We made it but only because I ride a small framed bike
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The wetlands had the longest board walk and bridge system and the same gate system at the other end. Only this time there was a gap just a bit further along near a toilet block, thank goodness.

I love a good bridge
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I made my way into the Stony Point caravan park, setup camp and sat down for a coffee and treat in the camp kitchen. It's much quieter here even with lots of activity at the boat ramp next door.

Afternoon tea
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Very pleasant.

Today's ride: 55 km (34 miles)
Total: 125 km (78 miles)

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