Sunny skies into Des Moines - Six weeks on the Great American Rail Trail plus!2022 - CycleBlaze

May 7, 2022

Sunny skies into Des Moines

I think there may have been a monastery here.

Where we stayed in Madrid the group was split into 3 smaller guest houses. John, Sharon and I were the Duxbury (we all live in Duxbury Vermont on the same road) gang in small guest house in this small quiet town. 

When we headed out this morning it was a bright sunny day. There was some head wind still but it was warm. Only issue was a "trail closing" that we were still able to go on. It was pretty heavy construction for about a mile but were able to ride on it without a problem.

Crossing the Des Moines River in the downtown area was a treat. A pedestrian/biking only bridge got us across the river with many people enjoying the nice Saturday. 

Much of the day was on the Neil Smith Trail which started in the Big Creek State Park. We rode out towards Des Moines along this huge lake for about 5 miles. It was sweet.
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A view from the southern end of the lake.
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Looking back at the pedestrian/bike only bridge crossing the river in downtown Des Moines.
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Today's ride: 46 miles (74 km)
Total: 187 miles (301 km)

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