08/07/23 Ellensburg - Training Ride - CycleBlaze

August 7, 2023

08/07/23 Ellensburg

It was a cold steady rain in the morning, making my decision to take a day off even easier.  I was in no shape to ride in any case, having spent another restless night dealing with pain made worse by my descent into google hell holes while trying to self-diagnose. What I concluded from my “research” was I needed to speak to a professional and went to the first urgent care center google suggested.  What a positive experience that turned out to be!  I was seen by a nurse practitioner who had just returned from bike packing around Iceland, so there was much that didn’t need explaining. Most reassuring was learning that my symptoms are muscular and not worn out joints which I had feared. I have “over developed quads” which I think sounds very manly but basically means that with my push only platform pedals my quads are stronger than my glutes and the pain that results from that is for reasons that do not include having to pause for a hip replacement. Long term I need to take things easier, work on glute development, and improve my chemical composition. Short term I’ve got a steroid packet, some muscle relaxers and my walking sticks. I think I’m good to go. 

Enjoying not being on the road
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The only pictures I took today were of this house. Ellensburg strikes me as a nice college town.
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My friend from college, Bob Bryce, came through Ellensburg on his way home from vacation. We’ve been hoping to intersect and it worked out perfectly. 43 years since we last met!
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Mike AylingYou must be really happy with your non google diagnosis.
Good to know that there are scientific reasons supporting the use of click in pedals!!
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11 months ago
Rich FrasierKudos to you for getting professional help! Hope things improve!
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11 months ago