08/06/23 Blu-Shastin RV Park to Ellensburg - Training Ride - CycleBlaze

August 6, 2023

08/06/23 Blu-Shastin RV Park to Ellensburg

The bump in the middle doesn’t exist, it’s a marvel of self delusion
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George MercerHope your pain subsides and you continue to have a great adventure.
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11 months ago

I slept terribly last night. Something is wrong with my upper legs/lower back, making it uncomfortable to walk or roll over.  I’ve been putting it all down to overuse and inadequate stretching but… I’m most comfortable sitting on the bike and that’s where I spent the day.   

It was another long climb followed by a long descent, not as hard as Sherman Pass on the way to Republic but a workout none the less.  It was made all the harder when I got turned around and backtracked 3 uphill miles before the stunning realization I was going the wrong way. I had been in the middle of the long descent when a store unexpectedly appeared on the left and, feeling like I’d earned a treat, I crossed over for an ice cream. I got to chatting with the owner and other shoppers and when I left I autopiloted onto the road without crossing back to the other side, oblivious of the mistake I was making. The store is on a short flat section so it wasn’t immediately obvious which way was up, and a headwind was further confusing things. So even though I was finding it more difficult pedaling than expected I put it down to wind and tired legs and pushed on. When I checked my GPS a bit later it showed me even further away.  And this is when even though I was sweating uphill, my position was off, and my heading was opposite what it should be, my conclusion was the trees must be interfering with the GPS and I was right.  In my head I *knew* I was still going downhill, just on long a flat spot that doesn’t show in the profile for, well for reasons. It was such a force of will to accept my mistake and turn around that if I am at all representative of the voting public then the country is truly screwed. 

I was chased by a thunderstorm into Ellensburg where I stopped at a motel on the edge of town.   By the time I was ready for bed my leg/back pain, which had ebbed during the ride, was back and I could barely walk. I’m taking tomorrow off to see if rest helps, I would be lying if I said this wasn’t a concern. 

The road is scrapped about an inch below the shoulder, prep for new pavement. It’s a nice barrier as long as the shoulder is wide enough
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Trees holding on for dear life
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I was so excited to be at the top I photographed the moment. Note the lack of a middle bump in the actual profile
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The store where I got turned around. I took this the second time past
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Old barn with wooden silo. How old, I wonder?
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It’s windy here
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Ominous skies. Getting chased by thunder
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No idea what this means or why it was there
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My first impression of Ellensburg is “smells like hay”
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Today's ride: 52 miles (84 km)
Total: 3,222 miles (5,185 km)

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Rich FrasierOuch. Do you have any stretching exercises you can do?
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11 months ago