Mostar day 3 - We're going on an adventure... - CycleBlaze

May 9, 2023

Mostar day 3

It almost feels silly to write about today, it was so much like an ordinary day at home. But writing in the evenings after Tobias is in bed has become so much part of my daily routine that I don't know what else to do.

After talking to family we walked down to the big playground we visited yesterday. It takes about an hour if we let Tobias explore everywhere he wants. Otherwise it's about a 15 minute walk. Gave James plenty of time to take some pictures of the city architecture. Seems like most people here do the same things each day too because I recognised at least 3 of the kids.

In the afternoon it took Tobias and I 2 hours to walk to town and visit 2 shops and get back home. I did find some new shoelaces though! The grocery shopping was less successful - I tried to buy halloumi, but it turned out to be a very smooth feta which definitely did not fry very well. I also accidentally got creme freche instead of yoghurt (very rich on oats in the morning) "milk drink" instead of actual milk. We still can't really work out what "milk drink" is, but it tastes fine.

We're all set for our pick up tomorrow. Fingers crossed that all our stuff fits into the van that is supposed to show up at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Tobias is very excited about the prospect of going in a van again, though I don't know if he quite realises that it will be a 4hr drive and we don't get to stop when he's "all done van".

We were wondering why all Tobias wants to do is strap stuff to his bike and ride around. Then we realized that that's basically all we do.
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Buildings lining the road which served as the boundary between the Bosnian and Croat armies.
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