Knowing when to say when. - Cross Country Velocipede Adventure - CycleBlaze

May 4, 2023

Knowing when to say when.

Heart says push on, knee says otherwise

I have to end the trip of a lifetime. To say I’m devastated seems like a gross understatement. I don’t really have the words to describe my disappointment. I know the knee injury is out of my control, but there’s this nagging thought that if I just push on, maybe it would work itself out. I’m old enough to know that’s almost certainly not how things would go. As my wife pointed out, even if I were to take several days off, most likely the first hill would bring back the pain, as I really need several weeks off. It’s frustrating because I’m not new at this. I’ve toured before, I train every day on my road bike. I’ve been a serious cyclist for 20 years. I have to assume it’s the massive weight difference of the bike, the extreme elevation gains, and if I’m honest, maybe weak knees. I’m sure there’s a problem with my pedaling geometry as it’s a little different than my road bike. It’s amazing how such a small difference could create such big problems over time. 

I would like to thank everyone who spent the time reading this journal. I can’t help but feel I’ve let a few people down, but I know most people are very supportive and understanding. All in all I was able to tour the beautiful state of Virginia and that’s not something I would have ever done without my TransAmerica attempt. 408 miles and almost 21,000 feet of elevation gain and my trip is over.

Brian out.

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David HendersonBrian
You are an inspiration. I retired two years ago and am starting the Transamerica on May 10th, also going east to west. Part excitement, part fear. I am not getting any younger so I am going to give it a try.
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1 year ago
Brian ScottTo David HendersonThanks so much, Dave. Your comment means a lot. I wish you the very best on your trip! I too was beside myself with apprehension as I got closer to the departure date. You’re at a great age to give it a go! I pray you stay healthy and know it’s not all unicorns and rainbows! Man there are some challenges, but also so much beauty. I have to say, the other touring cyclists you will inevitably encounter are some of the best people you will ever meet.
Best of luck,
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1 year ago
Michelle SummersHey Brian! I’m a little late to the party and am just learning of your cancelled journey. I’m so sorry! Can I just say that getting old sucks (but it’s better than the alternative…😅 Can I get an Amen?) Your tenacity and determination is nothing but inspiring. Please don’t give it a single thought that some would be disappointed “in” you. That would be impossible to feel. Many will feel disappointment alongside you as we know how important this bucket-list adventure meant to you, and our hearts ache with yours. I’m so thankful you have an amazing supportive and wise wife. What a blessing it is to have a partner who gets us and loves us through the good and the bad. Let me close with this: God’s got you and He’ll be faithful to complete all that He has begun in you. Sending you lots of love!
Your Twin Oaks alum and lifelong friend,
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1 year ago
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Olivia ScottEveryone is proud of you!! Plus now you get to be back with your family for Survivor night.
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1 year ago
Brian ScottForget the trip, it’s you we have to be so proud of. That’s the real accomplishment. For all who don’t know, this is my wonderful daughter.
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1 year ago
Dan CorningI'm sorry your trip ended the way it did and wish you a speedy recovery. I was enjoying your daily posts and can understand your disappointment. Last year I had to abandon my tour when a back issue forced me to call it quits early in my trip. I plan on giving it another go this summer and hope that you will be able to continue your trip sometime in the future.
Best of luck to you.
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1 year ago
Brian ScottThank you Dan for your kind words. It’s a real bummer when our bodies give out before our motivation to continue.
Thanks for following along. It means a lot.

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1 year ago
Lorna GlaspeyAh Brian, what a bummer. But look at all the beautiful country you got to see. The new friends you made. What memories you have to cherish. You did great.
Love to you, Lorna
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1 year ago
Brian ScottThanks, Lorna. It was a real bummer but I plan to heal for a few weeks, make some changes to my bike setup and get back out there. Not cross-country, but the Pacific Coast Bike Route from Astoria to San Francisco.
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1 year ago