Day 5: Wednesday 21 June 2023 - Auxerre to Semur-en-Auxois - Brighton to Barcelona by bike - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2023

Day 5: Wednesday 21 June 2023 - Auxerre to Semur-en-Auxois

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route planned 88km

Up early, and a much better night's sleep. Nice breakfast, and slightly fewer croissants.  

Away by 0810 and a lovely flat ride for the first 20 km or so, alongside the river Yonne, some of which was a dedicated cycle path. We stopped at the small town of Cravant where Jim had beaten us to the patisserie and treated us to a range of cakes to share.

We then pushed on down some beautiful country lanes and apart from a few miles along are busy main road, the rest of the day was down tiny roads where we could cycle side-by-side.  And loads of very pretty little hamlets.

At the 52km mark we stopped at a really nice little town by the river, where we bought a sandwich and were able to eat it in the shade.

Most of the aches and pains from yesterday were simply not there, either because I had a proper night sleep, some position changes on my bike, or possibly the large amounts of painkillers I took to pre-empt any problems! The only significant pain problem with my toes on my left foot getting numb due to cramp. Mainly solved by getting off the bike and stamping my foot a few times 

The last quarter of the ride was somewhat lumpy, but I made itp all the hills. I had the company of Kathy and Dave and Denise and Jim all day,  and really nice to have their concern to pace me round. 

The hotel in Semur en Auxois is fabulous, with a huge bedroom and oak beams, and a big bathroom with a huge bath and a massive separate shower.  I have had a lovely shower, then a deep hot bath in time for a work meeting at 6pm.

The old town is only a few metres away, and is a beautiful mediaeval place, with lots of activity due to the National musical festival, with live bands all evening.  We got very lucky with a nice restaurant and sat on their outdoor terrace, in spite of, the threat of rain, but when the rain did arrive very heavily, we were well sheltered by the parasol.

Still noisy outside due to the music, so I will definitely be using earplugs tonight!

Tomorrow, we have 110 KM, with one big hill in the middle, and I need to be there by no later than 4:30 to prepare for a couple of work meetings

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Today's ride: 89 km (55 miles)
Total: 465 km (289 miles)

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Len SuchWell done Julian. Is this a sponsored cycle ride or a sponsored ‘eat as much as you can’ ride? Len
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1 year ago