Day two Albury to Corowa - Australia's Great River - CycleBlaze

May 8, 2018

Day two Albury to Corowa

Posted 16 May 2018

We have been without wifi until now as we were staying in small country town caravan parks. I have been writing our journal in a Word document which I had hoped I would be able to cut and paste into the journal but being only semi computer literate with the tablet I have not been able to work out to do it so the journal will have to wait until we get home next Monday.

Albury to Corowa

70.213 km Start8.45am Finish 3pm. 

Staying at Rivergums Holiday Park Corowa. No wifi.

A nice Autumn daywith clear skies. The first 11kms were spent riding through Albury reversing our ride from the railway station last night and then crossing back into Victoria and the sister town of Wodonga where Mary was heard to mutter that if we had just ridden the 5km south intoWodonga we would have saved 10 kms of riding! Eventually we found McKoy Street our exit from Wodonga which became the Old Barawanartha Road which we followed for about 10kms. This bit of road undulated with curves here and there unlike the dead straight roads that we would encounter for the rest of the ride. We then joined the Murray Valley Highway, the B400 for about 5kms before turning right onto the Barawarnartha Howlong road for about 15kms to Howlong in NSW where we stopped at the bakery for cups of tea and pies.

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Let me just say that I have tasted better pies! We then back tracked about 3kms to Weideners Rd where we turned right. This bit of road is unmade with lots of corrugations (washboard for our USA readers)

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After about 4 kms we emerged onto the made Gooramadda Rd which became Up River Road, a long straight stretch Of 12 Km which never seemed to end.

turning on to the Gooramadda Road
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Finally we turned right onto the C375 crossing the Murray into NSW and turned left into Honour Avenue to our caravan park.

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After showering and resting we walked back to the front gate where we were collected by former CGOAB member Emily Sharp accompanied by her 78 year old riding buddy, Don who was a semi professional racer of note in his day. In those days you had a day job and raced for money on the weekends. Ofcourse Don knew the names of the Gold Medal winning tandem sprint team. Emily drove us to her favourite Italian restuarant where we had a delicious meal which she insisted on paying for. We had a great evening discussing cycle touring and cycling in general. Great to meet you Emily and thanks for a great evening. Emily now journals her weekend rides on Wordpress.

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Today's ride: 70 km (43 miles)
Total: 80 km (50 miles)

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Suzanne GibsonI thought all those place names sounded familiar - from reading Emily's journals. And then there she was! Must have been a lovely evening.
Looks like you are having a fine ride.
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6 years ago
Kathleen JonesHow nice that you were able to meet up with Emily and Don. Not sure I've ever seen a photo of Em not in her riding kit.

Enjoying following along.

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6 years ago