Day 20 - Through Kynuna, an 18 Bustard day - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

May 20, 2023

Day 20 - Through Kynuna, an 18 Bustard day

Yes, I do harp on about bustards but to see this many is exhilarating. They used to be found over much of Australia's interior but not so now. They stand a metre tall and have a wingspan of over 2 metres. I was in the place I wanted to be seeing these "turkeys" and a bunch of other interesting birds including Australian pratincoles and an enormous flock of little corellas. I did 50 km before a mandarin, scroggin,  chocolate and cordial break.

A huge flock of little corellas above the road
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Even in the middle of nowhere! Moggies feed on roadkill and are occasionally victims themselves.
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It was a sometimes terrifying ride into Kynuna, especially when this creature advanced across the landscape.

They say that megafauna have not been around for many thousands of years but I'm not so sure.
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I was greeted outside the "Blue Heeler", a famous outback pub, by a brolga.  I was under strict instructions from old friend, John, not to just buy the sticker. I obliged and stayed for some time.

There's no better reception than that. What more can you expect of an outback pub?
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The dining room where I sat alone. The caravaners get their photo and move on
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That's plate no. 2. I probably needed 1.5!
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I had good intentions of pushing on from Kynuna, population 20, to the metropolis of McKinlay with 30 residents, but reports were that nothing would be open. Thus I did another 60 km, thinking of Rosemary as I rode, and called it quits before 4.  I was certain of a good camp so did not need to resort to these.

Camping 101: these are useful at times. Good for separating living and sleeping areas
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A cool wind came in and I was grateful just to  sit back in front of the fire for the evening.

A late sunset view from my camp
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View from my camp - 53 metres of roadtrain
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Road trains were not the only flashes of light in the landscape. At 21.23 there was a brilliant flash of red, yellow and green in the northern sky. I read next day that it was a meteor.

Today's ride: 130 km (81 miles)
Total: 2,285 km (1,419 miles)

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Graham SmithSuch a great name is ‘Bustard’.
When I saw ‘18 Bustard Day’, I thought you’d overtaken a minibus load of One Nation Party members.
Then I checked the spelling.
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1 year ago
Ian WallisTo Graham SmithBrilliant Graham!
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1 year ago
John GrantI'm very pleased you saw the meteor. It was reported here but I thought you may have been asleep by the time it showed up.
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1 year ago
Ian WallisTo John GrantI would have been asleep, or at least lying awake, if not for my chair. I was facing north and just said to myself "holy batshit, what was that!"
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1 year ago