Postscript - Unfinished Business - CycleBlaze

September 21, 2023


May 1, 2023
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Well, folk, that's it. The Unfinished Business of 2023 can join the Finished Business of 2011.

Alas, it seems a touch abrupt to finish by arriving home and closing the front door.

Instead, I would like to end with many rounds of thanks and, to ensure that I don't miss people, I'm going to be generic.

Thank you to:

- CycleBlaze for hosting the blog.

- everyone who has looked at the blog, followed it, commented, liked or disliked it.

- everyone who appears in the blog in text or in photographs. You were part of the journey.

- everyone who sent me messages of support along the way.

- those who gave or lent me something, such as food, water, accommodation, bicycle parts, directions, clothing, photographs, a laugh or conversation.

- those who rode with me for part of the way.

- those who were so generous in supporting the indigo foundation. 


September 16, 2023
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Those who followed the blog will know that I lost my phone in Timor Leste and, with it, all of my contacts. Feel free to contact me by text or WhatsApp on 61490793554.


Finally, the indigo foundation fundraising page will be active for a little longer. If you feel that you can contribute, wherever you are, then you will be donating to a very good cause.

Finished Business - Tibetan Plateau 2011
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Finished Business - Tibetan Plateau 2011
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Jeff AlexanderHi Ian, thanks so much for your wonderful blog - we loved it and learnt heaps. Look forward to your next one! Jeff, Kara, Isla and Luna.
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10 months ago
Ian WallisTo Jeff AlexanderJeff, pleased that you enjoyed it. Thanks for your contribution. Must catch up. Ian
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10 months ago