Bicycle Touring in Africa (page 3) - CycleBlaze

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Bicycle Touring in Africa (page 3)

Dino AngeliciTo John Saxby

Thanks again John. Currently, I am located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am researching and gathering information. No firm plans, yet, on going to Africa. I appreciate all of your advice. I definitely have some research and planning to do, regarding purification of food and water and other things before going. 

Malaria is something I hadn't much thought about. Is mosquito repellent an effective way to reduce potential exposure?

BTW, Riaan Manser's adventure sounds like required reading before undertaking a bicycling trek in Africa. I am going to order the book. Thanks for that, as well.

All the Best,


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5 months ago
John SaxbyTo Dino Angelici

Thanks, Dino.

I expect that in Pittsburgh, you'll find a god travel clinic.  If for some reason you can't, then send me an email on johncsaxby(at)rogers(dot)com, and I can out you in touch with a very good one here, where the staff have long experience with travellers' health in different regions in Africa.

Malaria is widespread on the continent, but its incidence varies considerably with locale and season.  If you're travelling in mozzie country, a good repellent is essential, for sure.  As a preventive drug, we most recently used mefloquine.  I had a quick squiz at the Centres for Disease Control website, and it offers a useful summary:

Hope you enjoy Manser's book -- he rode a standard-issue Mongoose MTB as I recall, same as my friend used on our ride from Pretoria to Durban in December 2005.  (No trick gear needed, eh?)    Good luck with all this!

Cheers,  John

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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo Jean-Marc Strydom

I've been working my way (and enjoying it) through your journals. Regarding your bicycle tires (tyres), are you using tubeless or inner tubes. Is there a specific brand/make that you find performs well on the gravel/rough roads? Thanks.

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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo John Saxby

Thanks John! I have some research and planning to do. All of these resources and the information will definitely help.

Best to You,


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5 months ago
Jean-Marc StrydomTo Dino Angelici

Hi Dino

Although we have covered a great deal of sub-equatorial Africa in our various Landrovers in the past, our cycle touring in Africa has been limited to South Africa.  So any advice I offer needs to be seen through that lens.

We ride with 2" Schwalbe Marathon Mondial tyres on 26" rims with inner tubes.  Good for sealed as well as dirt roads as well as moderate off road use.  These are on Thorn Raven touring bicycles setup in the traditional cycle touring way. 

However, in South Africa most cycle tourists tend towards a more bikepacking setup on hardtail mountain bikes. Consequently,  most run tubeless 2.5" tyres designed for off road use, often on 29" rims.

That said, north of South Africa's borders the tubeless route might not be the best option.  I suspect that it would be easier to replace a simple tubed 26" tyre than a tubeless tyre in any other size in the more remote areas.

Braking systems should also be considered.  We use old fashioned rim brakes.  Hydraulic systems and disk brakes are OK in South Africa but could be difficult to repair further north.

Our bikes have Rohloff internal geared hubs.  Close to bulletproof.  However, derailleur systems are the norm here in Africa.

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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo Jean-Marc Strydom

Thanks Jean-Marc, for all of the good information. I'm down with the old school items, such as using inner tubes, derailleur systems, and rim brakes. I know how to adjust and repair them, from experience. Good to know that in parts of Africa, parts and perhaps some services are readily available than are the "newfangled" items. 

Take good care,


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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo Suzanne Gibson

I am following Peter on Facebook. He has some wonderful photos of his trip through Saudi Arabia. I will find his Africa tours and will read them, after I wade through some of the earlier recommendations. I am looking forward to reading them.

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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo John Saxby


I got a used copy of Riaan Manser's book from Amazon and am about halfway through it, at this time. It is truly a captivatingly written and an amazing adventure. Thanks for the recommendation.


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5 months ago
John SaxbyTo Dino Angelici

Great, Dino, glad you're enjoying Manser's book -- helluva read, eh?

One more helpful detail about maintaining your health, this from a related conversation on the Thorn Cycles Forum:  a supply of hand-sanitizer gel is very useful, along with the usual water treatments (boiling, filtration, purification tabs.)

In the years I was travelling in different parts of the continent, proof of Yellow Fever vaccine was mandatory at the various borders.  That was not so common elsewhere in the world.  Best to double-check that, along with the various other vaccines.

Cheers,  John

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5 months ago
Dino AngeliciTo John Saxby

It is a helluva read. Sometimes, when I get to the end of a chapter, where I intend to stop, the beginning of the next draws me in before I can mentally say no. Amazing adventure.

Thanks for the health tips. I normally carry hand sanitizer but need to pick up some filtration and purification tabs. 

I was wondering about various vaccines, as well. Thanks for this advice.

All the best to you John!

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5 months ago