Day 1: To Friedberg, a rainy start - We Got As Far As Wertheim - CycleBlaze

July 15, 2021

Day 1: To Friedberg, a rainy start

Rain was forecast and rain it is. Same as last week. We had originally planned to leave on Thursday a week earlier but decided against it due to the heavy rains predicted. We cancelled all our hotel bookings and booked anew. As it turned out, it didn't rain last Thursday but it is raining today. But we are riding today, rain or shine.

Before we leave I ask Janos to pump my tires a wee bit more, they are feeling very soft. Somehow there is a problem with the pump and valve, the tire loses all its air and then Janos manages to get it pumped up enough for me to cycle to the local bike shop. The bike mechanic takes care of my tires quickly, and at the same time informs me that my front suspension shocks don't look right, I should get it taken care of as soon as possible. That's a problem since as soon as possible will be at the end of our tour.

For a while it had stopped raining, but by the time we are finally ready to set out, it has started again.

Janos and me, ready to roll and waiting for the rain to stop, which it doesn't
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We are well enough equipped for rain. The shoes are more or less water proof, the rain jacket with hood works well and we both have "rain legs", not rain pants which are so uncomfortable and a big nuisance to put on and take off.

Rain legs are a great invention, they keep you much drier than you'd think to look at them.
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Scott AndersonInteresting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen these.
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonI can really recommend them. I'll never wear regular rain pants again. I saw them first on a Dutch couple when touring in Belgium.
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3 years ago
Rachael AndersonTo Suzanne GibsonI’m going to have to get a pair. They look great!
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesDodie had a pair one year. They were great until the waterproof covering got dried and flaked off. Took only 2 years.
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2 years ago
Charmaine RuppoltI have seen these rain legs online and wondered if they are any good...
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1 year ago
Karen PoretTo Suzanne GibsonDank Suzanne! Rain legs it is!
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1 year ago

Our first stop will be in Fürstenfeldbruck. In the rain we don't see much of the pretty ride, but we have pedaled these 17 km often.

Wet - but it's not pouring cats and dogs and it's not windy - count your blessings.
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Karen PoretTo this photo with your info: AMEN!
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1 year ago
Queen Anne's lace and cornflowers add a friendly note
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Scott AndersonThat’s just where we’re seeing here! We should just cancel the flight and stay in upstate New York.
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonI noticed that in your journal, too. I hope you don't cancel anyway.
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3 years ago

When we reach Fürstenfeldbruck, I'm more interested in getting out of the rain for a meal than visiting Fürstenfeldbruck's lovely baroque church. When we come out it has stopped raining!

Taking cover with view to the facade of the Fürstenfeld Abbey Church of The Ascension of the Virgin Mary (St. Mariä Himmelfahrt)
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Charmaine RuppoltWhat a neat looking church!
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1 year ago

That was the good news. The bad news is that Janos discovers that he has left his wallet at home with ID and credit cards. I have credit cards but traveling without any identification isn't a good idea. We do some brainstorming. Cycling back is the least appealing solution. Take the city train from Fürstenfeldbruck to Munich and then another city train out to Gauting? That would take forever. We come up with and reject various scenarios and decide the best thing will be to ride to Friedberg, our destination for the day, and from there Janos can take a train back to Munich and Gauting, retrieve his wallet and then return to Friedberg by train.

We continue in the Bavarian countryside under a grey sky and with dampened spirits.
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Wayside votive chapel from 1888
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Karen PoretPerhaps a prayer is to be heard here for Janos safe journey back to Munich!
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1 year ago

We have a nice route through farming country, mainly fields of grain and corn, many good bike paths separate from the road, and in the end even a tail wind to push us along. Friedberg, located to the east of Augsburg, has a historic old town and is located on a hill which we should have known since "berg" is in its name.

We are in Hotel zum Brunnen and the reception is friendly and helpful. The young man at the desk seems to enjoy the challenge of finding the best train connections to get Janos to Gauting and back as quickly as possible. So after a speedy change of clothes, Janos is off down the hill to the train station and with two changes of trains he is in Gauting. When he gets back to Friedberg it's 9 pm. I meet him at the train station and we have a meal at the nearby Greek restaurant.

In the meantime the sky clears and the sun comes out. I stroll around town and take a few pictures.

This might be Friedberg's town hall, I'm not sure though.
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Karen PoretStellar photo, Suzanne! Another gem from you.. Very impressive “photo oil painting” :)
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1 year ago
Traditional wall painting depicting a medieval cow slaughter
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Main square with fountain and St. Mary's column
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Look at all those cars, they kind of ruin the scene, don't you think?
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Lednar De NallohAmen, turning a quaint town square into a car park...blah.
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3 years ago

Janos is creating videos as we ride along. The commentary is in German, but you can always fast forward to where there is something new to see. Here is the first day.

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Sandra LawnHi Suzanne

What a shame to have to ‘postpone’ this tour. As you know UTI’s can make one feel dreadfully ill, nausea, pain and not eat, not the best for a cycle tour.

I like to think I’ll never be too old for a cycle tour, my daughter seemed to think I’ll stop at 70….in my head I’m thinking you don’t know me and what cycle touring us all about …..I’m aiming for 80 +……

Enjoy whatever you can do next, it’s great following your tours

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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Sandra LawnThanks, Sandy! 80+, with emphasis on the plus...
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3 years ago

Today's ride: 58 km (36 miles)
Total: 58 km (36 miles)

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Scott AndersonToo bad about the forgotten credit card, but you’ve probably been over there long enough to take it all for granted. I can’t get my head around the concept of getting back home with two train changes and making it back again in the same day.
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3 years ago
Kathleen ClassenWe feel like you have started your tour with an adventure. Well done at problem solving! We are so happy the rain stopped for you. Could you please send some to Western Canada? We need it.
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Scott AndersonI don't really take it for granted. Augsburg and Munich both have a good city train network, other places not. We were lucky. There have been instances where a taxi was necessary to retrieve forgotten items.
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Kathleen ClassenYes, it certainly was an adventurous start! A little less adventure would be okay, too.
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3 years ago
Nancy GrahamYou surely had your challenges for the start of your tour!! All photos invite me to go for a ride — so that is what I will do right now ;’-). I love those rain ‘pants’ and would get some but I choose to rarely ride in rain, and now that I don’t too many tours, I really don’t have the need.

Keep on keeping on ;’-).
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3 years ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Nancy GrahamBut sometimes you get caught in the rain, and they don't take up much space in your panniers. I'm sure Susan would agree it's best to be prepared. 😉
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3 years ago
Rachael AndersonThis video and the next day’s video give you a really good feel for what it’s like bicycling there although I prefer the second day’s video because the weather is better. Also, when is the English version coming out?
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2 years ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonAnd, here in the USA this feat would never have been possible due to 1) no trains and 2) traffic causing too much time to return in the same day.
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1 year ago