Day 2. To Booneville. 37 miles. - Katy Trail - Our First Cycle Touring Experience. - CycleBlaze

May 30, 2021

Day 2. To Booneville. 37 miles.

We started to a brisk temperature of 52 degrees in Sedalia, MO.  We've got 37 miles to go, and yesterday the 38 miles felt like just too much. We weren't used to the gravel / crushed limestone, and Jeff is hoping that he can pull back a little and not work so hard on this trip. 

Starting off at the Sedalia train station.
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Just before we reached this place, we met a group of three (brother and two sisters) that were going to ride 35 miles, eat lunch, and then ride 35 miles back. Wow! He mentioned that people seemed to be wanting to ride on gravel / limestone more and more, and I thought I had Tourette syndrome when I blurted out, "I don't like it!!"  I was a little shocked by my attitude about gravel, but one thing we figured out is that if you ride 40 miles on this gravel/limestone, that it feels like you just rode 50 miles. 

By the last standing railway light on the Katy Trail.
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The great thing about long bike rides is that you can pretty much eat anything you want, but we've been really good so far. 

Stopping at Pilot Grove for lunch which was 24 miles into the ride, and only 13 miles to go.
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And it still isn't very warm at 1:30 in the afternoon. 

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A cute bike just welcoming those who ride the trail.
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After going downhill (thank goodness) for many miles, we arrive at Booneville which was named after Daniel Boone's two sons that started a salt mining business in this area. 

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Mike AylingAre the trikes linked to make a tarndem?

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3 years ago
Jeff SabotinYou bet they are linked. They are actually two Hase Trigo delta trikes, and you buy an attachment that links the front wheel with the back of the first trike. It is a wonderful way to stay connect with your partner, when maybe he/she can't keep up on their own.
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3 years ago

And then our final destination, and after figuring out how to ride on gravel / crushed limestone, the Hotel Frederick. Today  was a great learning experience to know that going 6 mph up a hill is just fine, and there is probably no way you are going to get over 15 mph even going downhill. Jeff felt a lot better and didn't have an elevated heart rate after this day. 

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We hope to get a good night's sleep and get ready for our "easy" 33 mile day from Booneville to Columbia. 

Today's ride: 37 miles (60 km)
Total: 75 miles (121 km)

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