Flights in 2023 - Poking Around Europe 8.0 - CycleBlaze

September 15, 2023

Flights in 2023

Always Cross Your Fingers

It started smoothly. My three alarms allowed me a reasonable sleep. Our son arrived cheerful and on time with his truck for the trip to the airport. We had a great visit on the way out. Check in was the easiest ever. The Air Canada agent was so efficient she didn’t weigh the boxes. What a bonus that is. We were pretty certain we were within the weight limit but always wonder how accurate our bathroom scale is. 

The fog was magical on the way to the airport.
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So appreciate that our eldest was willing to get up and has a truck.
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Our trip through security was uneventful and very quickly we were on the other side of security enjoying a muffin and coffee. Our flight was on time, and boarding was straightforward. Unfortunately once on the plane we didn’t move. The dreaded mechanical issue. Now to be clear, I prefer any mechanical issues be repaired on the ground rather than in the air. We also felt reasonably relaxed because our layover in Montreal was 3 hours so we had lots of time. An hour and five minutes late we rolled out of the gate. It allowed the delightful woman seated next to me and I to get well acquainted. Just a great conversation. We were still yakking away over the prairies and then we both had a nap. Unfortunately she and her husband did miss their connection to Copenhagen and have been rerouted through Frankfurt. Ugh. 

We have had a snack and a beverage in Montreal. Our Barcelona flight is late too. So far they are saying delayed by 20 minutes. The bikes are here. Now they just have to get on this flight. 

Our air tags are a great travel gadget. Our bikes are here. The wallet is with us the bikes are nearby.
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David MathersLove the air tags! They provide you with some piece of mind 👍
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10 months ago

A further delay has just been announced. This is travel in 2023. We have been up about 12 hours and counting. I am going to relax with my novel and trust it will all work out. 

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Joy DavisFingers crossed you're getting closer to Barcelona where you will have a wonderful time! xo
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10 months ago